Battle for Arnhem.... (11 Viewers)

Re: battle for arnhem....

They were also forcing repeated attacks on the road that 30 Corps cleared - nicknamed as a result 'Hell's Highway'.....


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Re: battle for arnhem....

and 30 Corps linked up with the US paras near Joe's bridge...


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Re: battle for arnhem....

U.S. 101st Airborne Division

Colonel Howard Johnson’s 501st Regiment of the 'Screaming Eagles' jumped at Drop Zone 'A' near Veghel. Only the 1st Battalion of this regiment jumped elsewhere. Their drop zone was 'A1' near Veghel, but they jumped at the wrong place and ended up near Heeswijk Castle, 10 kilometers away from the target. Nevertheless, they quickly marched towards Veghel where they arrived at 1700. By that time, the rest of the 501st Regiment had captured both bridges intact and set up a strong roadblock south of Veghel near the village of Eerde. Their operation was accomplished successfully.

53 gliders landed in the triangle Son-Best-St. Oedenrode (Landing Zone 'W'). The original number of gliders was larger but German anti-aircraft guns shot down several gliders. In The 502nd and 506th Regiment’s drop zones were also in this area. The 502nd Regiment, landed at Drop Zone 'B'. They encountered some light resistance at St. Oedenrode, but the bridge across the Dommel was taken intact. Another target of the 502nd Regiment was the bridge near Best. If this bridge could be taken General Taylor would hold two bridges across the Wilhelmina Canal; this one and another at Son. Taylor was told that only a few German units were settled at Best. Since the bridge was only a secondary target only one company was sent to Best. They ran into strong resistance. The German forces belonged to Major General Walter Poppe’s 59th Infantry Division of the 15th Army. Reinforcements were sent, but the battle ceased when the night fell.



The 506th Regiment was dropped on Zone 'C' and was to take the most important bridge in the Eindhoven-area, the swing bridge at Son. Immediately after landing, the three battalions approached the town in two ways. The first battalion was in front and went southwards through the cropland. The rest of the 506th Regiment followed the main road through Son. Both advances were stopped when the Germans opened fire on them with their 88-mm guns.



It took about an hour to eliminate the German resistance before they could resume their advance. It was an hour too long. The Germans had had the time to blow up the Son bridge. Two other bridges which the 506th Regiment also had to secure had been were blown up by the Germans several days earlier. A footbridge was constructed and a defence line was set up south of the Wilhelmina canal. Eindhoven, which according to the plan had to be taken this day, was not reached.
Re: battle for arnhem....

Panda, great photos and storyline as always, I always enjoy your setups. Mike:)
Re: battle for arnhem....

Thanks, meanwhile 1st Airborne continued the fight....


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Have you been picking up more buildings / facades? These look very nicely done.
Re: battle for arnhem....

While the British sought ways of improving the velocity and penetrating power of their 2- and 6-pounder antitank guns, they were also developing a heavier gun intended to stop any tank. In August 1941, a mockup of this new heavy gun -the 17-pounder antitank gun- was unveiled. Without waiting for full-size prototypes to be made, 500 were ordered by the British army.

There was concern that the gun, estimated to weigh 3 tons, would be too unwieldy; however, the gun (and its carriage) ended up weighing just over 2 tons, and moving and setting it up proved imminently manageable. Although there were initially difficulties in matching gun and carriage production, this problem was soon resolved. The 17-pounders were on the North African front in late 1942, just a month before the first Tiger tanks appeared.

There were a few of these guns at Arnhem. Given that tigers and king tigers appeared during the battle, these were very necessary, along with the 6pdr AT gun that was also quite effective against most german tanks at short range due to its APDS ammo.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Have you been picking up more buildings / facades? These look very nicely done.

I could tell you but I might have to shoot you.....:D

Actually, these are drawing on a few thousand shots I have taken (thanks to digital cameras) over the past 2-3 years and include other stuff than mine.

Much of this shoot is Louis' e.g. 30 Corps linking with paras in a dio done by Gordon, Andy's brother - he is an excellent diorama maker.

The other thing is careful recycling of the buildings so they appear different.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Have you been picking up more buildings / facades? These look very nicely done.

The ones in the brighter "sunnier" photos are all old K&C wood and papier mache three-dimensional buildings mixed with K&C polystone facades. These shots were taken in a huge town set up Kevin and I built on a table in my back yard in late July, 2007.
Re: battle for arnhem....

Louis - got round to shrinking a few, still keeping the better ones out for the book.
Re: battle for arnhem....

Louis - got round to shrinking a few, still keeping the better ones out for the book.

As well you should . . . however, I absolutely love this thread. We could do a second book on a WWII battle. How about we do the Normandy campaign?
Re: battle for arnhem....

It became a close quarter battle in arnhem....


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Re: battle for arnhem....

As soon as I reshoot the DD series......

Well, when you come to the Symposium, we can use the pond as a backdrop, and set up the beaches with sand . . . I've got that custom made hedgerow diorama . . . we can rebuild all the French villages we want with the backlot buildings, facades, and dioramas in my collection. . . I bought an oversized K&C ruined Normandy Village diorama from Geiorge Guerrero already professionalluy painted by him . . . I have every vehicle K&C ever produced and tons of DD and Waffen SS figures . . . 60+ Warbirds, including a Horsa Glider . . . an RAF airfield for DD minus 1 setups . . . how long did you want to stay before or after the Symposium?
Re: battle for arnhem....

Really? Which carrier? I hope its not going to prevent your coming.

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