Those of you that know us, know we like to push the realism issue.....we have been in many heated discussions about the subject. We are so happy so many of you have taken us up on that issue. We have seen the fantastic work by Alex, Debrito the LT. and many others. You can see it has influenced the manufacturers also. They have been doing some spectacular work. We feel as though we have succeeded in our mission.
We may be annoying the "Glossy" guys and the true collectors, but we all have to fight for what we believe in.
We would have been further along ourselves, if it wasn't for the divorce stuff I had to go through. BSP is still suffering fallout from that. Buying and selling houses etc. BSP will not have a permanent home for at least another 6 months, and it hurts us a bit. This building represents yet another era of stepping up the bar, and going for quality not quantity.
Nick and I continue to work on our respective techniques, and we are comitted to providing our "Fans" with the most unique visual experience possible. We dont apologize for our beliefs, the success of our Web Site, shows us there are a lot of "Realistic" collectors out there, and that is what we are all about. Alex