It's mine and I will NEVER sell it
Very committed - but will you let your wife dust it ^&grin
Wonderful work Guy, you have got that right down to the smallest it!!!!. Hope you don"t mind me mentioning it but this picture is often credited to the 4th Inf Div while in fact it is elements from the 90th Inf Div which were attached to and landed with the 4th on June 6th......The story i read was that the 90th passed through the lines of the 82nd Airborne their Medics assisting as far as possible with the Airborne wounded, on the way some of the 90th picked up ripped parachutes and put it over their helmets with the camo net on top, if you look closely in the photograph you can see a couple of the Tough Ombres with just that configuration on their steel pots!!!!!!.
I know Steve .The picture shows a squad of the 3rd batallion, 359th Infantry regiment-90th Infantry division . 1st Bn. and 3rd Bn. was attached( Group A) as a combat team to the 4th Infantry Division. The assembly area of the 359th 1st and 3rd Bn was in the area of Baudienville, where the picture was taken .
PS: will make a close up picture of the cameraman and a few other soldiers in the dio. You will notice that they have the sleeve insignia of the 90th on their arm. My group of soldiers is a mix of 4th and 90th infantry Division.
Here is my interpretation of this famous picture taken on the 6th June 1944 in Baudienville/ Normandy, 2,5km from Sainte Mère Eglise. Soldiers belonging to the 4th Intantry Division coming from Utah Beach are having a rest before pushing further into Normandy. My scene is set a minute or so before that famous picture was taken.Not all soldiers are already in the correct position . Nevertheless I hope you will enjoy. (PS: I had to change all the sleeve insignia and had to repaint a lot of trousers in chocolate brown)
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more pictures to follow
Guy, I just noticed the resemblance of the French civilian in the door way and your figure used. Nearly dead on !
and don't forget his little daughter. Kronprinz made this set of 2 figures especially on my demand, to enable me to copy the picture from 1944