Be Careful With Purchases (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

Registered Member
Apr 22, 2005
If anyone purchases something from you and says, "The money order that I sent is for more than the amount agreed upon...please refund me the difference" PLEASE be wary and verify that the MO is valid. We've heard from a forum member who received a fraudulent postal money order and caught it before it became an issue. I am getting to the bottom of the situation to see who was involved (since they will no longer be welcome on the forum) but I didn't want anyone to get taken advantage of in the meantime.
As a police officer here in Alabama I can speak to the fact that yes, the forging or attempted forging of money orders is somewhat common. The counterfeiters feel that it's easier to fool people with them since most people are wise to funny money these days.
Always remember that in a transaction the Money should go one way. although whne using paypal in the past I have told people an estimated postage price and told them it was generous, and would refund the difference- but these transactions are secured by paypal-etc

like my mom used to tell me- "keep your wallet in your front pocket"

Fraudulent checks are another.

Fake PayPal receipts via email another. I had a person fake one to buy a camera from me and an address in Nigera. They are easy to spot but if in doubt always check your PayPal account on the PayPal website first.
Yes we must be carefull for fraudulous acts coming from everywhere . My last bad expereince was with an Italian guy ( and this was through eBay, payement via paypal). and the previous one with a Maltese .
And yes in some countries the %tage of fraudulous act is going up . It show their inventiviness allas .
So let's stay on our guard .

And by the way :
Nigeria cultures begin arround 9000 years BC
They knew ceramics 4000 years BC
Ironcraft 900 years BC
There is even one Nigerian with a Nobel Litterature price

And if you are a bit curious have a look at the woldwide fraud statistics
Just a heads up for everyone- I have received two fraudulent "phishing" emails from PAYPAL- on close inspection, the email address is, there are a few spelling and grammar mistakes in the body of the message as well. The email asks that I fill out the attached form and send back, to get my account reviewed and reinstated.

Just a heads up for everyone- I have received two fraudulent "phishing" emails from PAYPAL- on close inspection, the email address is, there are a few spelling and grammar mistakes in the body of the message as well. The email asks that I fill out the attached form and send back, to get my account reviewed and reinstated.


Forward it to PayPal, too, at I got one last week. It was relatively well done, except the icon for the link to follow didn't look right. That caught my eye first, and then I noticed the sender's email listed the domain as "@paypol". I went to PayPal, logged in to my account, and sent email to their support address.

I try to follow diligently the rule that I don't click anything in any email that I didn't expect to receive, and I try to eyeball as closely as possible everything that gets past the spam filters.

It is an old scheme to send a Money Order or Cashiers Check for a greater amount than requested and then ask for a refund from the original amount. The funds have been "extracted from the M.O. and you are sending them real money. I understand that your bank can cash your M.O. only to find out later there are no funds to cover.

"Fraud must be Nigeria's #1 export. What else is that place known for?"

Kidnapped schoolgirls, soccer game bombings, attacks on churches. Fraud is almost the friendliest thing going on there.
Aw yeah and whoever said to me before about Sherlock Holmes not being a part of the Dickens Range as it was a later period...

HA HA HA HA HA!:rolleyes2:^&grin;)
Yes we must be carefull for fraudulous acts coming from everywhere . My last bad expereince was with an Italian guy ( and this was through eBay, payement via paypal). and the previous one with a Maltese .
And yes in some countries the %tage of fraudulous act is going up . It show their inventiviness allas .
So let's stay on our guard .

And by the way :
Nigeria cultures begin arround 9000 years BC
They knew ceramics 4000 years BC
Ironcraft 900 years BC
There is even one Nigerian with a Nobel Litterature price

And if you are a bit curious have a look at the woldwide fraud statistics

Yes but as far I know the Nigerian people live today in stone era culture and produce only stones!!!
Gentle Friends,

While great problems are evident in Nigeria. please be careful to not reference all the citizens of a country in negative terms. Clearly, there are Nigerian citizens who are greatly interested in extracting as much wealth as they can from unsuspecting folks, but there are many others who are quite honest, respectable, and ethical. Just be careful what you say about people you do not know and about a culture that may differ from yours.

Thanks for your understanding.

Warmest personal regards,

Gentle Friends,

While great problems are evident in Nigeria. please be careful to not reference all the citizens of a country in negative terms. Clearly, there are Nigerian citizens who are greatly interested in extracting as much wealth as they can from unsuspecting folks, but there are many others who are quite honest, respectable, and ethical. Just be careful what you say about people you do not know and about a culture that may differ from yours.

Thanks for your understanding.

Warmest personal regards,


Very well said, Pat. I am very disappointed with some of the comments in this thread, even if some may be 'tongue in cheek'.
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