yes that's a fair point Wayne , black for inside the reichstag windows would work much better. to be honest the set up has a fair bit of artistic license all round given that there were no buildings or wall remnants of buildings right in front of the reichstag steps in reality, but it seemed the only way to pack density of action into a small space on the shelf.
basically where we are heading here is a full table top expansion later in the year with reichstag nicely at back of dio with open space in front, tenements coming along the sides and a couple of streets leading. getting the bunker parade in is going to be a challenge given that it is around the back of the reichstag . it almost needs a fully 3 dimensional reichstag to sit in the center of table ............... now there's an idea for a new release dio accessory ! noting from the latest Russian brochure release that we have a red flag being placed on the top by a Russian .