Once again the "scale " 54mm is at the origin typical for manufacturers of fig in kit and is measured from foot sole to the eyes
And no it's not a legend Stadden, Lasset, Sanderson, Imrie, Vaillant, Vallance, Squadron, New Hope, Rose and many others respected the scale even today .
American toy makers historicaly made 60mm foots to the top of the skull and the most recent toysoldiers makers respect nothing and have some strange comprehension of scale and sizes so you must know that kits 54mm will always be shorter than any actual toy soldiers
In their range of military vehicles, a company like Force of Valor respect "scale" 1/32 both for vehicles and soldiers, King and Country write on their box 1/32 but obviously the soldiers are not
And the big question is 1/32 of what ? For a vehicle ( tank, car, plane etc ) there is no doubt, the actual size is constant, but for a human being the size is absolutely not constant, the average medium size of people in Middle Age was a lot smaller than the size of soldiers of the 20th century, and the size of soldiers in the same army is never a constant . The 54mm principle is constant diregarding size of past or actual soldiers, it's always 54mm from foot sole to eyes level .( except perhaps for children or special troops like Postdam guards )
If you announce 1/32 or any other as the scale, the same manufacturer would have to make his Middle Age soldiers shorter than actual soldiers, in fact it seems that nor 54mm or 1/something respect this aspect of a man size .
Personaly I don't care, basicaly I'm an amateur of figurines you paint yourself in any scales 25mm, 30mm, 40mm, 54mm, 75mm, 80mm, 90mm, 120mm ( to name a few ), and by extension when buying toy soldiers, I don't care either . I have in the same cabinets figurines of all size, my only concern when buying is always : do I like it ? Yes ! So let's go .