Bit quite around here. (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007
Anything new on the horizon Brian,a Early war TIGER perhaps ^&grin ??
Brian has the molds for the DAK Tiger I; he just needs to fix the wheels and paint it Panzergrau. The problem is that both K&C and Figarti have saturated the market with grey and winter Tiger I's. A Herr Grossdeutschland Tiger would be interesting. Grossdeutschland aquired Tigers in January 1943 and they fought at Kursk, some in Panzergrau livery. The Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland was the premier Herr division on the Ostfront.
Anybody heard anything from anyone about something ??
17/4 was the last we heard from Brian it is the 17/8 so 4 months no news !!

Hopefully something huge coming soon,maybe a big surprise at Chicago,fingers crossed.
17/4 was the last we heard from Brian it is the 17/8 so 4 months no news !!

Hopefully something huge coming soon,maybe a big surprise at Chicago,fingers crossed.

Agree. it's been very quiet with TCS. Hopefully they're still making toy soldiers.
The TCS website is still up and I am still receiving the newsletter/catalog! The Toy Soldier manufacturers have responded to increasing manufacturing cost and a depressed market by reducing new product development. Tooling is very expensive and the first thing to be cut in a down market. Repaints are the best you will see under the current ecconomic conditions! Unfortunatly if conditions persist it will lead to a death spiral and a shakeout of the weaker manufacturers, ala Figarti! Brian has diversified his products with the 28mm Wargame line and has revived his excellent 1/6 scale figure line. The down turn in the Chinese ecconomy may reduce labor costs for Toy Soldier manufacturers leading to new products.
I just ordered something from them last week. So they are definitely still alive.

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