Blitz truck question (1 Viewer)


Major General
May 1, 2010
May have missed this along the way but, I was wondering why with the winter Blitz you had an extra figure added into the set and with the grey variant you did not?? I know the price was the same and wondered what the explanation was for this as the single figures are available to buy. Why would you buy it if you got the truck. Having said that why would you buy the single figure as there is nothing he could start released?? Also, why was the price of the grey Blitz not less?? I would have liked FL to have released a comparable figure for the grey version and just was wondering if anyone has an answer or, point me to the thread which explained it

Just so, I am not accused of some conspiracy I have posted a pic of the two trucks I have!!!!

Without reading too much into it. based on what their description says. " but it also comes with a bonus figure crank starting the engine (this figure is also sold separately as GERSTAL037 " It is a freebie. a "bonus figure" to get people to buy the truck.
I thought the difference was that the driver figure with the grey truck is in the cab while the driver of the white truck is at the cank. But the promo picture of the white truck shows the summer uniform driver of the grey truck in the cab of the white truck. i.e. does the white truck have 2 figures? Or is it just that FL just whitewashed an already built grey truck for the promotion photo without removing the driver?

Hi Terry. The Truck has two figures. I am guessing it is a marketing tool because the promo refers to it as a "bonus figure".
Cheers for the info. I did not know the driver was classed as a ''bonus figure''.


The white comes with a driver inserted inside the cab so, yes, two figures with the white truck.

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