BMC in the news (2 Viewers)

The BMC Green Army Women Kickstarter has begun.
The Plastic Army Women Kickstarter has just ended. In the end 1238 backers pledged USD $55,401.

Stretch goals added a Nurse, Stretcher Team, Military Working Dag and Dog Hanler to the set. Backers who pledged $25 or more will receive a Rosie the Riveter figure.

RR BMC.jpg
These figures are not for me but it's great news that an unusual range can be produced in this way. Does anyone know what it costs to produce a mold for eight figures these days?
The Plastic Army Women Kickstarter has just ended. In the end 1238 backers pledged USD $55,401.

Stretch goals added a Nurse, Stretcher Team, Military Working Dag and Dog Hanler to the set. Backers who pledged $25 or more will receive a Rosie the Riveter figure.

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Wow!! How does an "ordinary citizen" get one of the "Rosie the Riveter" figures?

She is great!

Another manufacturer was going to make one, but I am still waiting.

Happy collecting,

4 additional poses to reflect upon;
Mascara applier

Crossdresser Squad

Fem POWs

PMS 'Berserkers'

Equip all with cell phones w/heads down texting.

Shopping carts for many who cannot handle most Rifle Company gear.

Silly me.

Okay,okay...6 bad.
4 additional poses to reflect upon;
Mascara applier

Crossdresser Squad

Fem POWs

PMS 'Berserkers'

Equip all with cell phones w/heads down texting.

Shopping carts for many who cannot handle most Rifle Company gear.

Silly me.

Your misogyny is showing.
Cool idea, horrible execution. Reposing male figures with female bodies and hair is a bit of a lost opportunity; I know some females who have served with great distinction in OIF/OEF and it would be nice to see them depicted realistically, not this silliness.
I'm not mincing words with this. I think this is one of the stupidest releases of all time. Unless you are a 10 year old tom boy little girl I see no market for these.
Just had to make it political as well as misogynistic, didn't you? :rolleyes2:
I'm not mincing words with this. I think this is one of the stupidest releases of all time. Unless you are a 10 year old tom boy little girl I see no market for these.

Actually, it was a 6-year-old little girl - dunno if she's a tomboy. Apparently BMC did research and got enough positive response to justify production. Even if they never sell any figures, the publicity may make it worthwhile.
Let's keep it clean and on topic boys. I have no problem deleting inappropriate comments and closing the thread completely if needed.

Ever serve with females in an infantry outfit Amigo? I have.

I have and they were excellent soldiers and officers. If this move attracts more people to the hobby, I'm all for it!

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