Well it looks great so far, did you build the base yourself?
If you did, you should take a crack at the entire project because it would
seem you could do it. You can purchase furniture grade hardwoods at Home
Depot in the lumber department. It is nowhere the expence a carpenter would
quote you. I believe a 4X8 sheet of furniture grade oak or birch or aspen goes
for about $48. I had a friend that had custom cabinets ordered for a large den
for about $28,000 with an additional 6,000 installiation charge. Certainly more
then I would ever spend. Another fellow I knew hired a fellow to to his entire
den with built in cabinets and a coffer ceiling he spent about $12,000.
I am watching your project because I entend to do the same thing when I
return to N.J.
Please keep us posted on your progress!