Book on WWII Tanks (1 Viewer)


Nov 15, 2012
Looking for a definitive book that features Allied and German tanks, especially interior shots and cutaway drawings. I am interested in crew positions, control locations, armament, as well as exterior features.

Thanks and I would appreciate your recommendations.
Google Nuts & Bolts WW11books, I think this is what you are after, cheers, Robin.
Thanks Robin. Looks like they cover the German side of it. Still looking for a coffee table type of overview of Allied and German tanks.
If you don't already have it - try this one. lots of pics and drawings covering both World wars - and very easy to read - and as a bonus - you get the history of the AFV from the start. Published 1974 - so not bang-up to date (sic).^&grin - though will be fine for the main participants in WWII.

Can buy it second-hand for under a fiver usually - though found mine in a Charity shop - and donated a few pounds to them.

Thanks. Will try to track it down via Amazon, Alibris or the usual bookstore suspects.
Picked up a fine/near fine copy from a Florida dealer on Alibris for five bucks with shipping included.

I also found some good black & white shots of tank interiors and crew positions from the Stackpole two-volume "Michael Wittmann & Waffen SS Tiger Commanders of Leibstandarte in WWII."

Thanks again for the suggestions.
A number of years ago there was a nice book "Inside the Great Tanks" which had what you want. The auther, Hans Halberstadt, went to the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation and took interior views on several important types of vehicle.

Used copies are around but may be pricey (but Amazon is usiually on the high side). For more info see;

Gary B.

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