Bootleg Hijack (1 Viewer)



Bootleg Hijack.jpg

Gangsters hi jacking a load of booze....sculpry...icing sugar...steel wool for foilage and tree tops..TomB
Fascinating work. How the heck did you make the vehicles out of Sculpey? The components look so precise. Did you make paper patterns to follow? I saw your pirates and their sugar ship on another site a while ago, but these are of another level- same complexity in a smaller item. I like your caricature style- I'm one of those old-fashioned guys who likes toy figures to look toy-like, rather than semi-military miniature diorama components :rolleyes2:.

Hi,,,,,,,almost got it right mate.......I cut the patten as you call it out on thin..strong cardboard...cover it ..both sides,,,with sculprey,,,,,sculpry is very soft before it is baked and would buckle without support...sculpry is okay onced baked...but thinner section need to be re-enforced like concret....the arms and legs have thin wire in them so if they break they dont fall off and can be simply repaid with a touch of super glue which I use a lot to join bits like the vehicles....I will be posting another dio with a stage coach soon...bit of Aust history.....have tried to stay away from military dio's..;;military dio's are the norm and done much better than what I could do.......Tom
Never thought of an 'armature' for Sculpey to make a vehicle kit. I've used it for larger-scale figures at 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12 scales, and an Indian elephant at 1/32. For human figures at 1/32 I've been mixing it with Aves Apoxie Sculpt at 1/3 ratio. It hardens chemically in the mix rather than by heat, and makes the Apoxie opaque. Easier to see the surface that way. Looking forward to seeing the Wild Wild Aussie West dio!

Mike...the reason I have to stick things into sculpry is I am lucky even to be able to buy that here...cant get anything in Perth...need to live in the eastern state...which I would'nt do in a fit......Tom
Never thought of an 'armature' for Sculpey to make a vehicle kit. I've used it for larger-scale figures at 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12 scales, and an Indian elephant at 1/32. For human figures at 1/32 I've been mixing it with Aves Apoxie Sculpt at 1/3 ratio. It hardens chemically in the mix rather than by heat, and makes the Apoxie opaque. Easier to see the surface that way. Looking forward to seeing the Wild Wild Aussie West dio!

Mike...... should have asked earlier..... got distracted by my idiot dog...could you post a few pics of your to see them....cheers Tom
Gee, Tom, you'll be getting all those Down-Eastern antipodean 'froggers after you! {eek3} As far as sculpting supplies go, I have to get most of mine via mail-order. I'd have thought Perth had some decent art and craft supply shops. I guess you guys are getting enough relaxation playing rugby and Aussie Rules football.
There's pix of some of my efforts in the albums section of my profile.

Great work mate.......The shop I go too has rung around the other craft shops for joy.....I prefer to refer (thats a mouthfull) to the eastern state-ers as Crow eaters...magpies and waratars and the hillbillys in Qld as banana benders.......and sometimes dumb B's......I come from the eastern states....I was silly enough to volunteer for a unit here when I was in the army in 66......I stayed in Perth after I left the army many yrs ago....we are sandgropers here in the West.......Aussie rules is the football game here...Rugby and Union the Eastern states....although...finally the West has seen the light and have a Union team here now,,,aint going much good though.....Hey ! what has this to do with Bootleggers....cheers Tom

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