Tim, good stuff as always
Excellent Tim!
I don't get on this Forum too much anymore because I'm on 20 plus other Forums so that takes time away from here.
I always liked your artistry and creativity. Keep up the great work and stay in touch.
Stay well my friend.
Tim, good stuff as always
Thanks Kevin.
Got to agree Kevin it's always a please seeing the results of Tim's creativity an sure looks like his paint brushes hasn't had any rest. Thanks Tim for sharing it with us.............Joe{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Got to visit the Bulge Kevin before finding myself bored again.........Joe
Some scratch built Austrian artillery I just finished!
Here they are in the very early stages!
Great action poses, do I understand that you make those figures yourself Tim? Excellent anyway.
Thanks Kevin! Yes, I scratch sculpted The 4 Austrian artillery figures from 2 part green putty. I,ve been messing around here and there trying my hand at sculpting, I have no clue what I,m doing as far as being a sculptor but I,m trying and each new project seams to get a little better??? I think??? May be if I keep improving in another couple of hundred years of trying I could get a job sculpting for K&C??? :rolleyes2::tongue:
Here are a couple of pics of the rough stages of the figures.
I don't have a life, I have a great wife...How about posting some diorama or two, yeah....
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Flawed pitcures (see the date in the corner), but I like them just the same.
Amazing, almost 7 years ago this thread was started. Thanks guys for making it YOUR DIORAMA thread. You guys have done an outstanding job displaying the excitement and thrill of our hobby.
Here's to an even better 2013!!!