Brad's Military Miniatures Collection (1 Viewer)


That is actually a wood and metal Stug III, the photo advertisement you display it with is a Stug IV. They are both rare and wonderful pieces, but in my opinion your Stug III, with the detailed stowage on the back, is the better early K&C model. Terrific acquisition!
Thanks as always. Louis. I thought it was just a resin Stug, only because in his site Bill Sager has the exact same model. I knew that the one in the brochure was probably a little different but that’s the only comparable model I had to show.
My ignorance on full display: when did these models come out? They do have a certain charme.
Subject to Louis’ confirmation, I’d say in the mid 1990s. They were groundbreaking in that they were some of the first accurate vehicles made. They were rather expensive. Sagers lists some of these vehicles as costing $384.
My ignorance on full display: when did these models come out? They do have a certain charme.
These wood, metal and resin model were produced by K&C in the mid-1990's. Here is some text from the K&C volumes about them:

Produced in February, 1996, available are the para jeep, along with the rest of the first five highly detailed and beautifully finished wood "Normandy Fighting Vehicles", the Tiger, Stug IV, Hanomag, and Bren Gun Carrier ...

The Tigers were produced primarily in two-tone reddish brown on tan camouflage, although the one for sale was one of the very rare (no more than 3) produced in three tone green and brown on tan camo schemes. It is in the markings of the First (Liebstandart Adolf Hitler) SS Panzer Division, with the number 201 on the turret. The gun elevates, both top turret hatches open, and there are blackout lamps of the front deck of the tank’s chassis. The tanks comes with a half-figure of a black coated SS Tank Commander. This vehicle, designated TK01, originally retailed for $346 in 1996 but quickly increased to $384 by July, 1997. Between 50 and 100 of these vehicles were produced.

Produced in July, 1997, the SAS Desert Jeeps, Arnhem Supplies Trailer, AN09, and Attack Jeep, AN10, are available. Also available are the wood and metal Stug III and the resin and metal Jagdpanther from the same catalogue. ...

The wood and metal Stug III, designated TK06, is available. Both the commander’s hatch and the side hatch were hollowed out with hinged covers that opened and closed. The gun fully traverses, as does the MG42 mounted in the shield in front of the second opening hatch. The vehicle’s back deck is covered with extra bogie wheels, spikes, boxes, oil drums, a helmet, even a milk can, supplies a real combat crew would strap to the back of its vehicle. The tank comes in the three-tone Green and brown on tan camouflage and markings of 12th SS “Hitlerjugend” Panzer Division from Normandy, 1944. The vehicle comes with the half figure of the Stug Commander from the Stug IV and the half figure of the tank crewman from the 8 Wheeled Armored Car. It originally retailed for $384.
$384 in 1995 is worth about $787 today so these vehicles weren’t cheap. It wasn’t until K & C went to polystone that they were able to make affordable AFVs.

I have a line on one of those SAS jeeps but it may be awhile before I receive it.
Molfar by Attica Miniatures

In Ukrainian folklore a Molfar is a person who possesses supernatural abilities, a medicaster, a carrier of ancient knowledge and culture. The moflars are engaged in healing, control the forces of nature (for example, the weather), and using spells.

Ivan first sent me a photo of this bust, along with other Ukrainian and Russian themes, back in 2018 and I’ve always wanted this figure but the time was not propitious until now.

Arab Bedouin from Trophy's Egypt and Sudan range. The base was made by King & Country and was a gift from Andy to the late Lawrence Lo, which Hans Hedrich has kindly given to me.

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Terrific figure and base! I have two of the desert versions of that base. Andy was considering producing modular diorama bases, like Ken Osen's Hudson & Allen studios eventually did.

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