Britains and Troiani (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Feb 18, 2008
Ken Osen mentioned in another thread that he is good friends with Don Troiani and that got me to wondering if Britains has any thoughts on doing sets based on Troiani's art.Such as was done years ago by Conte.I
had all these sets and they were nice at that time but think how nice they would be with todays sculpting.
Hi there!
Keep in mind that the first 'Art of War' sets ever done by W. Britain were based on two of Don's paintings 'Clear the Way' and 'Lone Star'. I worked with Richard Walker at that time as a subcontractor to Ertle/W. Britain and sculpted these sets. I look back at these and wish I could revisit the subject someday. I would like to think that hundreds of sculpts later I might do a little better!

I also worked on two of the four sets created under Conte, and later worked directly with Don on his short lived series.

Although there are no immediate plans for Don to work with W. Britain, it is always possible.

By the way... Don recently started a Facebook page and after we chatted about it the other night, I decided I would too. Consider visiting both of our pages sometime soon. Don has a jump on me by a week or so but I should have more up soon.
All the Best!
Ken Osen
Those sets weren't bad at all Ken,I loved them.They are the first to soldiers I ever bought.I've always like those vignette type sets.I don't collect ACW now so I didn't get Chosen Ground but you never know if I will go back to it.All I have to do is watch Gettysburg or Glory and I'll be ordering some.
Hi there!
Keep in mind that the first 'Art of War' sets ever done by W. Britain were based on two of Don's paintings 'Clear the Way' and 'Lone Star'. I worked with Richard Walker at that time as a subcontractor to Ertle/W. Britain and sculpted these sets. I look back at these and wish I could revisit the subject someday. I would like to think that hundreds of sculpts later I might do a little better!

I also worked on two of the four sets created under Conte, and later worked directly with Don on his short lived series.

Although there are no immediate plans for Don to work with W. Britain, it is always possible.

By the way... Don recently started a Facebook page and after we chatted about it the other night, I decided I would too. Consider visiting both of our pages sometime soon. Don has a jump on me by a week or so but I should have more up soon.
All the Best!
Ken Osen
I have Lone Star and CTW and I think they are outstanding. They were the first ACW figures I ever purchased and I think they hold up very well. Very dynamic, like the original prints. They got me hooked. -- Al
Hi Ken,

I had already returned to collecting toy soldiers when "Clear the Way" and "Lone Star" were produced and, at the time, my focus was primarily the ACW. I have both sets and they have been on display in my curio cabinets ever since I acquired them. I agree with Mark and Al. They were great sets then and they continue to be great sets now! You did a wonderful job with them.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
I have the Troiani set pictured below, also sculpted by Ken, and I think its one of the best ever done up to the 2010 and 2011 Iron Brigade sets now offered by WB . . . .
:) Mike

I had this set too plus Lee's Texans.I had all of the Conte ones.
Interesting. The CTW set was the set that first inspired me to collect as well. It is one of those few I would never sell.
Thanks for the kind comments all!
I am happy that I agreed to sculpt these sets so many years ago. When I think back, most of the figures I sculpted were wedged in between other jobs as filler and now the other jobs are wedged in between figure research and sculpting.
The main reason I agreed to sculpt for Ertle/W. Britain was the chance to do some matte finished figures based on Don's paintings.

I used to get 6 of each set I sculpted as samples in those days and I hung on to two of each including the add on sets and I am glad I did. Although I am sure I could do a better job today I still display them here at home.
Here are some of the old and the new temporarily set up on one of the displays I built for NPS last year.

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