Britains Catalogues - 1983-2008 (2 Viewers)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Hello all -

I am excited to announce the launch of a new area for Treefrog and the internet - an on-line listing of Britains catalogues!

We often have people asking about what items came out when...this is your chance to see for yourself!

We have most of the catalogues from 1983-2008 (for some reason we didn't get 2007 scanned...that will be added very soon). If you have a catalogue we're missing, please let us know so we can scan it and make it available to the world.

ROAN already has a list of pre-1966 we just need to track down info on 1966-1983 and we'll have a complete listing!

The catalogues can be viewed at

Many thanks to Richard Walker for making some of these catalogues available to us.

Thank you very much -- a wonderful and very helpful guide for collectors. Bravo!
Just what was need many thanks for posting up the catalogues.

I believe from 1966 - 1983 the soldiers section was included in the main Britains catalogue. Correct me if I am wrong but were there any metal soldiers produced between those years? I think they were all plastic.

Thanks again

Many thanks for this new wonderful resource. I have to say that I preferred the older Britains catalogues with «real» well taken photos on them. The new ones are also lovely but the images don't always show that well what figures really look like.
Hi Peter,

I have 1998 and 1999 do you need me to send them to you?

All the best

Dave -

That would be awesome. We could scan them and get them back to you.

You have our address?

Hi Peter

If its the address on the website then yes if there is another one then let me know and I will pop it into the mail.

All the best

Thanks for doing that. I can track the Durbar stuff a lot easier that way. Any one have a set of Hunting Chetahs????:D:D
Yo Trooper, really excellent and well presented. All this lastest info to browse with modern Britains, plus the really superb site of Geoff Duin (Roan) up to 1966 makes collecting Toy Soldiers a lot easier.
This is one of the best ideas. All the catalogs in one place! All I can say is THANK YOU!
Hello all -

I am excited to announce the launch of a new area for Treefrog and the internet - an on-line listing of Britains catalogues!

We often have people asking about what items came out when...this is your chance to see for yourself!

We have most of the catalogues from 1983-2008 (for some reason we didn't get 2007 scanned...that will be added very soon). If you have a catalogue we're missing, please let us know so we can scan it and make it available to the world.

ROAN already has a list of pre-1966 we just need to track down info on 1966-1983 and we'll have a complete listing!

The catalogues can be viewed at

Many thanks to Richard Walker for making some of these catalogues available to us.


Would it be possible to scan earlier Britains' catalogues? For example, a Britains catalogue from 1958?
Well done - you people at Treefrog Treasures diserve a large pat on the back and so well packaged too. Realised i had not put some sand bags on my wish list
regards from the George Cross Island
What a great idea and initiative,
a big thank you to the Treefrog Crew and all who supplied and supply catalogs.
Great idea Treefrog!!! What an invaluable resource to us Britains collectors!!!
Thank you so much for posting the Britiains catalogs. Your your site and forum are the best when it comes to toy soldiers!

Much appreciated,
Great idea to post the catalogues. Thanks very much Treefrog

I'm confused as to why though Richard would not post them on the WBritains site, would be the logical place. (Lack of funds for the webmaster?):confused:

I also like the idea of posting earlier catalogues, pre-65, since they are so expensive otherwise.
Hi Hugh

Not to knock the great folks at Britains but their web site seems to get very little attention, its much better than it was but... As a club member I said as much during the last survey they sent out. But having the catalogues here is a major bonus and they are finally on the web in a site that is secure and pop up free.

Thanks again for doing this Shannon and staff!

All the best

Thanks to Britains and Treefrog for access to the catalogs. This is a pleasant surprise. Nice work. John

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