Britains Crimean War Series (1 Viewer)

Yo Trooper Jeff, thanks mate, you dont miss much. Ye must be a cavalry man seeing the heavies, pity cannot put a bigger photo up, see Raglan, Lucan, Cardigan, & Billy Brittain the bugler they are really good. Had them made special.


I took the liberty of enlarging your photo, hope you don't mind.

As I said before very nice!



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That was the set I meant, you now need to get that as well then ;).

I have already posted some photo's on the K&C Crimean War Figures thread (I didn't want to re-post them here as this is on the Britains forum) but I don't know how to post a 'Link' to it.

I agree about the interest in this period of history, it's certainly attracting manufacturers and collectors alike.


Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the recommendation! I will certainly keep an eye out for the Zouaves set. Have you seen the Zouaves set up close? If so, what is your impression of it? Any additional information would be helpful to me.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the recommendation! I will certainly keep an eye out for the Zouaves set. Have you seen the Zouaves set up close? If so, what is your impression of it? Any additional information would be helpful to me.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Hi Pat,

I saw a set of these at the Guards Toy Soldier Centre in London last year, they are to the same standard as the Russians, except more colourful.

Hope this helps.

At risk of appearing to change the subject a bit, but because I am impressed with the looks of your Crimean cavalry display Bernard, I wanted to throw out a couple of requests for future Crimea releases. Ken, since you have repeatedly stated you like the requests and ideas, I wanted to ask for more Light Brigade troopers and perhaps another Russian artillery set for sure. I love the existing VC Crimea series and have one of each set. I intend to get multiples of some of these when funds are available and would love to see the series expand in future.

Yo Trooper Dave, unlike yourself I dont like Britains new issue's emailed Richard Walker and told him so. The 1990s issues were excellent, but now all makers are trying to make them look like works of art and selling them as singles. I like mine to look like Toy Soldiers of old, quite happy as long as they have the right uniform on for the regiment and the horse can stand without using a plate, I mean they have four legs man why use a plate just cheapo to me. I think makers today in their pursuit of excellence have lost the plot. I do ebay a lot and see a lot of Britains new stuff not selling some sellers can't give it away, yet all the 1990s stuff always sells. But I got the fob off from Britains so, will just have to get the Regiments I need made special usually cost £80.00 for a five set, but they are good and look like Toy Soldiers.
Pat have you seen the glossy Crimean figures made by Frontline? Very compatable with your figures:D
Yo Trooper Dave, unlike yourself I dont like Britains new issue's emailed Richard Walker and told him so. The 1990s issues were excellent, but now all makers are trying to make them look like works of art and selling them as singles. I like mine to look like Toy Soldiers of old, quite happy as long as they have the right uniform on for the regiment and the horse can stand without using a plate, I mean they have four legs man why use a plate just cheapo to me. I think makers today in their pursuit of excellence have lost the plot. I do ebay a lot and see a lot of Britains new stuff not selling some sellers can't give it away, yet all the 1990s stuff always sells. But I got the fob off from Britains so, will just have to get the Regiments I need made special usually cost £80.00 for a five set, but they are good and look like Toy Soldiers.

Oh, you are a caution aren't you. Thats cool that you like the old toy soldier style. You just have to work harder to find what you need I guess.

Pat have you seen the glossy Crimean figures made by Frontline? Very compatable with your figures:D

Hi KV,

No, I have not looked at the Frontline figures. I appreciate your suggestion and I will look at those figures very soon. As usual, I am fearful that what I see may be entirely too tempting, but...I won't let the temptation stop me from looking! :D

Warmest personal regards,

Pat ;)
Yo Troopers sorry about that gads sir couldn't get my photo right size. So again Light Brigade about to wipe out set 00168 lol. Cardigans dogs bearing down on them.

Just admiring your display. Very impressive. Are the cavalry shown in th photo all Britains? Or are there other makers also?

Yo trooper Dick how are you my man. Most of Britains 1990s sets odd set from 1950s. The 4th French Chasseurs D'Afriqe, who saved what was left of the Light Brigade on their way back out of the valley (splendid Lads), by charging the Russian guns, had them made, also Lord Raglan, Billy Britain(Bugler) Lord Lucan, and Lord Cardigan, they go really well with the Britains Soldiers cost £18.00 each though all lead. Still waiting for the infamous Captain Nolan who got the blame for the Charge but poor guy paid with his life, They reckon he was 1st to get killed, and Gads Sir, DAMIAN reckons all we did was chase the ladies in our tight pantaloons with sabres at the ready lol.
Speaking of cavalry charges --the most famous for the US cavalry was when George Armstrong Custer also took about 600 troopers into the valley of death with the same end result.
Those are very nice looking soldiers. I'm curious, do you have many of the newer VC Britains Crimea items, and if so how do these older guys look next to the newer ones? I have one of each of the newer sets and am considering adding a second russian cannon set and multiples of the russian figure sets and various light brigade figures to display a larger scene. Richard and co. had a nice display along these lines at the Chicago show this Fall incorporating some old books which I thought was a nice touch. Thanks for sharing.

As a follow-up, did anyone ever advise as to how the older Britains Crimean sets compare, side by side, with th newer figures?

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