For those of you who are looking in on this thread, I would like to ask a few questions. The first three sets all feature pairs of figures fighting with a small scenic element. Now that I will be one of the four retailers of these small exclusive runs I would like to hear some input from the collectors.
Here are a few thoughts I have had...
Would you prefer fighting pairs as they have already been designed?
I think that fighting pairs would be an "attractive purchase" for many of us, especially if they were designed so that they could be used independently from one another and were on generic bases
Would you be interested in two figures depicting one unit, say a unit flag and a company officer?
I believe just making a specific unit flag bearer separately would be a better way to go. Generic company officers could be offered as separate single figures. Also, I think pairs of soldiers doing non-combat activity such as picket duty would be great. More marching pairs would be nice also
Would you like to see more specific units, or more generic figures?
Would like to see more Virginia specific figures, and also NC, Mississippi and Tennesee troops that confronted the Iron Brigade in Herbst Woods and the Railroad cut at Gettysburg. Really would like to see more generic mounted cavalry troopers from both sides
Would you like to see small accessories added?
Accessories are always a nice addition, ie piles of amputated body parts for battle field surgery scenes, dead horses, farm animals to go with the farmhouse and barn, civilians/farm hands/non-combatants,
Would you ever be interested in larger sets with more than two figures?
Those can be hard on the budget, but when they are as nice as the "Chosen Ground" set #1 and #3 they are hard for me to resist
Would you prefer a specific action or battle to be represented?
I prefer mid 1862 to mid 1863 time period, ie 2nd Bull Run, Chacellorsville, Antietam, Gettysburg
As always, I do read and consider the feedback!
The above image features figures I have sculpted for Ertle, Conte, Troiani, ONWTC, W. Britain and a few conversions of my own.
These new sets will be good additions to collections featuring any of these figures.