Britains in Chicago ??? (1 Viewer)

So far there have been no reports or pictures about the WB diplay at Chicago. SUrely there must be more. Some pics some snippets of information. We have heard plenty about other manufacturers. Are there any WB fans at the show

Yeah, I expected a little more myself. Perhaps when everybody is at home they have time to upload the numerous pics. And we should get that delayed flyer shortly. That should contain some news.
Yeah, I expected a little more myself. Perhaps when everybody is at home they have time to upload the numerous pics. And we should get that delayed flyer shortly. That should contain some news.


The 2 page flyer will only show the new limited edition band. The catalog of new releases will be out in January.

I didn't see any gloss. Perhaps Tony will have a film for Toy Soldier TV.
Does any one Know if any new WW2 items came the show,
No, the only new things was the British Napoleonic band and the 5 Zulu War figures.:) Richard and Ken hinted that Britains will be announcing a lot of new stuff in January.:cool:
Here is a photo of the set as it will appear in the January 2009 WB Catalog. It is based on an illustration in Osprey's Zulu War 1879 by Ian Knight & Ian Castle. It will be a Limited Edition and it knocked my socks off when I saw it.

This is really a very exciting set. Check out the detail photos on TF shop if you have not already. I don't often pre-order things, but this is an exception. Lots of great items piling up in this range with the 6 or 7 regular new sets still in the pipeline, the collectors club figure, the ModelZone set, and now this too. :)

Hi All,
The January W.Britain catalogue will be full of some pretty cool figures. I have been watching Ken working on a wide variety of time periods and have seen the fine sculpts of Alan Ball cross his workbench too. I wish I could tell you everything that was coming out but I think that Richard would be less than amused, to say the least if I did. So, what I can say is be patient, good things are right around the corner!
All the best,
Hi All,
The January W.Britain catalogue will be full of some pretty cool figures. I have been watching Ken working on a wide variety of time periods and have seen the fine sculpts of Alan Ball cross his workbench too. I wish I could tell you everything that was coming out but I think that Richard would be less than amused, to say the least if I did. So, what I can say is be patient, good things are right around the corner!
All the best,

It would be cool to see a couple of photos of Ken's workbench where so many great items we all enjoy are created!

I'm not looking to get any sneak peaks, it would just be nice to see the
creative environment!

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