Great website suggestions so far, perhaps I can add and summarize, in no particular order:
Discussion Forum Section
Photo Gallery Section, figures by series, period, years of production, with recommended prices, hyper-linked to retailers, catalogue ref, 360 degree video views, photos of box labels
Catalogue Section, photos of all pages going back to 1998. Should be posted same time its released in hard-copy.
Links Section, retailers, magazines, museums, other manufacturers, private collections, James Opie site, Norman Joplin site
Britains Identification Guide. Ebay and
Geoff Duin has good starts.
Recommended Reading. See Duin or
Joseph F. Saine lists.
Collectors Club Section, password necessary, for special deals on retired items, prizes, news, hyper-link to calendar.
Standards - photos of all issues and all pages, could be in private members' area
Britains history Section - Archives photos you show at shows, perhaps this would be area to show figures from concept to production.
Britains Comprehensive listing of figures produced since 1893. This is when you can hire Joplin or Opie
11) The current
Sections On-Line Shop, Membership, Terms & Conditions, and What's New (with new releases) should all continue, perhaps not in the same form.
Club Memorabilia Section? I have a W.Britains tie I purchased in the 1990s. Not sure if you want to look at mugs, ties, pens... the usual other club merchandise.
Calendar - News, events, dates
All Sections should be hyper-linked as much as possible to make it easy for the user.
Sorry if I forgot some but I'm sure Richard is keeping notes