Britans Stuff-West Coaster, (some picture) (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Nov 18, 2005
Sorry guys,

Here some, not so good pictures I took yesterday. Maybe Steven has better info on future releases from them. I think Richard and Ken are doing a wonderful job with this company and have definitely "righted" that ship.

They made their big announcements a few weeks ago on there new release for the year but here some pictures anyway. I like really like WWI French troops, ACW figures and that M8 is wonderful. The American Rev. is great too!






Carlos never apologize for your photos and thanks for providing them for us who could not join you at the event and fully agree with you on what Richard and Ken are doing.....The Lt.
Thanks for the photos Carlos. I have some of the WW1 French. They are really nice.
Carlos, thanks for the photos. The new Armoured Car and all those figures (all periods) look very well done. I wish I had enough money to get everything. It would be a great thing to be able to play with ACW, WWI, Napoleonic and WWII. And don't forget Ancients. But, I guess I will settle for the M-8 and a few guys to go with it. Are you listening George, add to the list.
Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the great pictures! Did they have any of the VC Series set up or Indian Mutiney?

Thanks again for thinking of us over here in Britains Land

All the best

The new M8 looks very nice, good action in the crew. The GIs look interesting as well. Hope I can afford a bit of these new fellows and vehicles. Britains did miss a minor thing - they shoulf have a "limited edition" of their German kettenkrad with a US paratrooper for the driver!

Thanks for the photos carlos! What were the figures to the right of the napoleonic hougomont set up in the background with the russain flag sticking up? Was that charge of the light brigade sets from the crimean war?
Yes Tim,

They are Victoria Cross and Indian Mutiny gloss sets. Gees, I would have taken more and better shots of these sets if knew you wanted to see them.

You might be interested to know that there will be additional sets for both the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny ranges at the end of the year. There will also be additions to the 'Redcoats' & 'Bluecoats' series and another introduction to the gloss classics range.
Hi Ken,

I had hoped to see some more information aside from the teaser. What do you have going for the Indian Mutiney? Some pictures would be really great.


Hi Dave! Figures for these ranges are in development now...I wanted to make sure that the folks that collect the traditional glossy style knew that they were not going to be forgotten. I have to admit that I enjoyed sculpting the Redcoat and Bluecoat ranges more than I thought I would. It has given me a chance to do some figures that might otherwise be missed in the matt ranges. We will probably be putting out one or two flyers before a major supplement in the fall.
Hi Ken

I am very pleased to hear this! I am going to pick up some of the sets I have seen especially the Crimean War/VC sets and I am very interested in the Mutiney and will probably commit to those too. I finally remembered to renew the membership to the club so I got my latest catalogue so needless to say I am very happy with the 93rd and 53rd sets as well as the Sepoys they were fighting at Secundra.

I can only hope you all might revisit the Durbar and produce a few more Elephants or maybe and Elephant Battery...

I can dream right?:rolleyes:

Anyway keep up the great work!

All the best

Hi Dave! Figures for these ranges are in development now...I wanted to make sure that the folks that collect the traditional glossy style knew that they were not going to be forgotten. I have to admit that I enjoyed sculpting the Redcoat and Bluecoat ranges more than I thought I would. It has given me a chance to do some figures that might otherwise be missed in the matt ranges. We will probably be putting out one or two flyers before a major supplement in the fall.

Thanks for the info Ken. So is it different sculpting for the traditional figures?
Or do you use the same technique as if it were a matt figure? How have the new gloss figures been selling?
Hi There! I use pretty much the same materials for sculpting both styles...2 part epoxy putty, plastic, brass, wire and sheet metal.
There was a fair amount of thought about it before I started as most folks think of the old style hollow cast figures as a traditonal figure. This area is rather subjective, but I also knew that I would want to keep the details more historically accurate. The cut of the uniform and details as far as size and placement of belting and cartridge boxes was also important to show the changes in technology and the material culture of the periods represented. The decision here, at least for the ones I am sculpting, was to minimize some of the sculpted on details such as seam lines in the clothing, and keeping some of the wrinkles and folds simple. Some decorations are pretty complete and some are just suggested to keep a cleaner look.
Another point is worth noteing. So far in the Redcoats/Bluecoats range we have kept the poses and uniforms as ones you might see on 'home service' or garrison, rather than combat. Again this started as a review of major uniform regulation changes, not battles, so representation of uniforms poorly represented by W. Britains in the past with an eye on variety was the approach. We have had an unexspected success with this, so select periods have been expanded with additional poses to build displays. You can see this in the 1755 range with a flank company EM, an NCO, Officer, Pioneer and an Ensign. This will be followed by additional figures so you could create an entire unit on parade if you wish.
Additional uniforms and time periods will be added to the ranges over time... we at 1st Gear have only been at this for 18 months! We will also be picking another period to enlarge soon, so we are looking for some suggestions here! Thanks, Ken
Hi There! I use pretty much the same materials for sculpting both styles...2 part epoxy putty, plastic, brass, wire and sheet metal.
There was a fair amount of thought about it before I started as most folks think of the old style hollow cast figures as a traditonal figure. This area is rather subjective, but I also knew that I would want to keep the details more historically accurate. The cut of the uniform and details as far as size and placement of belting and cartridge boxes was also important to show the changes in technology and the material culture of the periods represented. The decision here, at least for the ones I am sculpting, was to minimize some of the sculpted on details such as seam lines in the clothing, and keeping some of the wrinkles and folds simple. Some decorations are pretty complete and some are just suggested to keep a cleaner look.
Another point is worth noteing. So far in the Redcoats/Bluecoats range we have kept the poses and uniforms as ones you might see on 'home service' or garrison, rather than combat. Again this started as a review of major uniform regulation changes, not battles, so representation of uniforms poorly represented by W. Britains in the past with an eye on variety was the approach. We have had an unexspected success with this, so select periods have been expanded with additional poses to build displays. You can see this in the 1755 range with a flank company EM, an NCO, Officer, Pioneer and an Ensign. This will be followed by additional figures so you could create an entire unit on parade if you wish.
Additional uniforms and time periods will be added to the ranges over time... we at 1st Gear have only been at this for 18 months! We will also be picking another period to enlarge soon, so we are looking for some suggestions here! Thanks, Ken

Ken I'm glad you're expanding the 1755 period because it's very colorful and something we haven't seen before. Suggestions for another period to expand? I guess Napoleonic era is the obvious choice. But something different would be good too. Like the 1855 era. Hell, expand them all! If you're looking for subects to do in gloss down the road, how about French forces of the Napoleonic era? Take a look at some Mignot. Lots of different units and uniform colors and awesome in gloss.

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