British 43rd Regiment (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jan 17, 2006
I just got these figures last week and have to say that WB did an outstanding job on them!! The sculpt and paint job are top notch.



Beautiful looking miniatures in addition to the lovely scene you have created. I really love Britains miniatures especially their Art of War series which I'm collecting.
Britains makes excellent AWI figures which I have collected for many years. I am just very surprised that they
have done almost no "Hessians".........who fought in most of the Revolt's major battles.
Some American artillery would also be welcome.
Not my period but these are superb figures superbly photographed. Am a lover of redcoats but the quality of the painting here is just fabulous. The faces are works of art and how they do the lace loops in such detail takes me back years when my eyes were good enough to detail 15mm SYW figures. Only things I can spot are the lining on the turnback of the drummer appears to have gone a little wonky and the bearskins appear rather shiny, although in real life fur does have a sheen, and then there is the arms on the drum..presumably a transfer? I wonder if anyone has created transfers for the designs on the Grenadier caps from the SYW..might be possible and would save a lot of fiddling and repainting
Great looking photos…I am glad you like these because I recently finished a couple more figures designed to flesh out this group!

I'm hoping to see an officer and perhaps a corporal or two. I know the grenadiers didn't carry the battalion's colours, but they wouldn't be amiss either.

I'm hoping to see an officer and perhaps a corporal or two. I know the grenadiers didn't carry the battalion's colours, but they wouldn't be amiss either.

We could offer Ensigns with Colours for this grouping as a Grenadier escort would normally be used when first parading the Colours to the regiment in formation before they take their place in the Colour Company (Battalion or Centre Company)

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