British Infantry and Commando's WW2 (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
:) The Churchill Commando's are Smaller in size, than the Ea01-Highlander's Infantry; if you Noticed! But they're GREAT! Next, Andy should , Add-On, a PIAT TEAM, a MG TEAM, and a MORTAR TEAM? Possible, a Cromwell Tank, and Sherman ( FIREFLY ) Tank! Also, some Figures with Climbing Equipment!

Hopefully, Andy will give us Plenty of British Infantry for the Battle-of-Caen, the Battle of N. Africa,? These Sets also should have BEDFORD/ LORRY Troop Transport Trucks, a M-3 GRANT TANK, and MK-3 CRUSADER TANK, a M-10--TANK DESTROYER, M4A1-SHERMAN TANK! A 6 POUNDER Anti-Tank Gun Team! :)
I never noticed that before but you're right.

Re British infantry, there is only one set of British Tommies for Crucible at Caen. I don't know how much more British sets you'll see for Normandy for awhile but since we've had or will have two major ranges in a year, we can't complain. If we can get one towards the end of 06 that will be a bonus.

February 06 for North Africa should be interesting but there will be a lot of time in the coming months to ponder that delicacy :).
Just so you guys know, there is absolutely no chance of a Bedford Troop Transport Lorry. Andy made a beautiful prototype for this vehicle, in three different camo schemes (Dunkirk, 8th Army, Northwest Europe), but decided not to put it in production. Andy did the same thing with a Bedford QL Radio Command Vehicle, and shelved it as well. I bought the resin and metal prototype of the Bedford QL Radio Command Vehicle, and one of the prototypes of the Troop Transport Truck, and have strongly lobbied Andy to produce special resin and metal limited edition versions of these vehicles he chooses not to put into ordinary polystone production. So far, no luck.

Do you know why he hasn't decided to do it? Is it just his estimation of what will sell and won't, or cost or both? Hard to argue with him on his judgment on what will sell, based on his track record.

From what I gather, Andy decides certain vehicles won't have sufficient mass appeal to merit a production run. That's why I suggested limited edition runs for hard core collectors. I contend that there are always going to be at least 25-50 fanatical collectors like myself who would buy any King & Country vehicle. With this in mind, since Andy has already gone through the trouble of researching, sculpting, making a mold and creating three resin and metal prototypes, why not produce a limited run of 25-50 master-painted resin and metal vehicles (like his old pre-polystone production), numbered and signed by Andy, and sold as "King & Country Premier" for a higher price (something similar to e-bay prices for retired vehicles, maybe $500-$750). Resin is light weight, holds the detail and paint better than polystone, and would appeal to collectors interested in the "old school" K&C production. The 1999 vintage resin and metal Jagpanther sold on ebay last night for $610. If Andy did a limited edition resin and metal vehicle, it could command a price in the same range, and would probably profit Andy as much as a run of 500 polystone vehicles. I made this case to Andy at the N.Y. Symposium, with several heavy hitter collectors also indicating they were in, but, so far, no commitment from Andy. We'll just have to wait and hope.

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This is an area I would love to explore. I think Andy would have no problem selling a premier line. There are plenty of collectors willing to pay, including me :) , for these limited edition sets. I think he would find more demand than he thinks. Look at the special edition Dragoons that just came out. They are sold out through Andy already.



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I've sometimes wondered what happened to AK10 or WS61 and so forth. I suppose over the years there have been quite a few vehicles shelved.
The only problem I see with a limited run of 50 items at $500 is limiting your market. Andy would be better off keeping the price point he has and keeping the runs limited to less then he can sell say 750. This will keep the demand strong and the value up which will grow his market. A strong following will allow him to vary his themes to have the broadest appeal to collectors.
As a business man you are far better off with 1000 customers @ $100 each then 100 @ $500.
Bill, Brad, Louis, I am all for a premier or limited edition line of vehicles. The three of you have sparked my interest on this thread, but how do you get Andy to listen? I would like to see a Villers-Bocage (spelling) limited edition run of 500 or less sets, similar to the Arnhem series. If not that how about Kursk with a Ferdinand (spelling again). I could go on but I have to go back to work. Tsherman
These items have never been produced. I have always wondered why some numbers have been skipped but it may have been a potential item that was axed at that very end?
Andy if you are out there can you answer this?


First off, getting Andy to listen and others is what this forum is about. it helps so much getting your voice out there for others to hear. If they know what you want then they can act on it. I see the Britains Rep from the US responding heavily and I think they will benefit from it.

Second, doing a limited run from a set that has already been produced would be easy. Making a limited run from a preproduction model that is not being used in the regular run would also be cost effective. Makinga limited run from a fresh theme would cost the most. I know at Louis's symposium this subject was touched upon and I think the first result is the new Dragoon figures in a limited run of 300. This seems to be successful and should hopefully lead to others. How extensive this area becomes ie dependant on the response from the buyers.

Third, I'm sorry you have to go back to work and can't play with your soldiers:)

I would all be for a premier line and would pony up to get some of those piece. I like the idea and since it probably wouldn't be done that frequently, I think it would be doable for many of us. I think somewhere in the range of 50 to 100 would probably be right. Hand numbering would also be a good thing, with perhaps No. 1 going to a noted veteran of a battle in which the vehicle may have participated.

BTW, Villlers Bocage is spelled right. I stayed there in a bed and breakfast last year and it's a great little village. There was a British cemetary nearby which we visited which was a profoundly moving experience to see so many young men buried there, including some Germans. All these cemeteries are maintained by the Commonwealth Graves Commission in immaculate condition and they do a fantastic job.
The funny thing about the limited edition concept is how popular it is with every collector who discusses it with me. Everybody loves the idea of some of the vehicles without sex appeal being made by K&C, and the limited edition concept seems to be a good way to get this done. In all honesty, after having my car rear-ended on the way to pick up Andy from the airport, and not getting together with him until after midnight the first night of the symposium, Andy and I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. over beer (Andy) and Irish Whiskey (me) discussing this very issue. I thought I had him convinced, and said as much at the symposium the next day before Andy's talk, but Andy refused to commit. Who knows what he will decide to do? Your guess is as good as mine. I do believe if enough of us signed on to the idea, it would make economic sense to do it. Brad, me thinks perhaps it is time for a poll!
Re: NO Excuse, More British Sets!

:( First of All, When you open a can of worms. you must act on it Immedieately! Andy, is hesitating on the more N. Africa Sets, and we have waited too long , since the First and Second edition of Arnhem, as Collector's! Beside German, German, and more German; Except Fallshrimjager, and Afrika Korps; Enough of the Waffen SS for awhile! I think we should take a little break, and Add-On, the British Infantry, which Anniversary of D-Day just past, and was Not Given the GOLD-JUNO--SWORD ; BRITISH Vehicles's and Infantry Last Year! I think that was a Slap-in-the-Face, on K&C, for not giving us these British Sets at that time; in Honor for the British Soldier's who also, Lost their Lives for Freedom!
I heard Brad say, possible 2006, for the N. Africa Sets; I hope not! We was expecting them this Year along with the Italian Fighting Infantry, and Austrailans! When you make Only a Few Sets, and jump to other Sets; that's Not my Idea, of Collecting! Ither you Finish them or don't make them in the first place! I stand my ground! Time-is-of-Essence! And we want British Vehicle's, Armor, and Infantry! and N. Africa Sets Soon! :( No Excuse!

Far be if for me to give advice but I think the old adage "you get more bees with honey than with vinegar" applies here. If we demand or demand too much from Andy, we will get little in return. Just my .02 cents.

Secondly, it has been announced per the North Africa thread that Afrika Korps will be out early next year.

Thirdly, British don't sell as well as we would like. This is, afterall, a business.

I'm quite grateful for what we're getting in July.
BRAD, I'm sorry I blew my Cork; but I have to diisagree with you, that the British Sets; do sell very well! Everybody likes the British and the Beautiful Australians Sets! Just look at How many people want the ARNHEM SETS! And Andy, sold out of the British Commando's, a few Months ago! So, anyhow, to Louis, and Bill and everyone else; Andy should give us a NEW Resin Bedford / Lorry Vehicles ; and only offer the Special Limited Edition to the Rich Guys! which cost Possible $700.00US! We can't afford these Prices; maybe you Guys could, not me! I'm retired Pensioner! As far as the Africa Sets, put off until Beginning of Next Year; I hope like many, that this would come true!

Andy is a business man, and a pretty darn successful one at that. He has made a business decision not to put several prototypes he designed into general production, because he does not believe that these vehicles will be sufficiently popular to justify the expense of their production. The reason that I have suggested limited edition versions is that there are many of us who want to see these rarer vehicles produced and sold in some format. I am not suggesting that Andy go back to the earlier (more expensive) resin and metal format on all vehicles, merely on those he doesn't want to mass produce in polystone. I believe that there are at least 50-100 hard core collectors who would purchase these limited edition vehicles, and they would permit a broadening of the scope of King & Country dioramas and displays. If, for example, the only way to get Andy to produce an Italian Semovente self-propelled gun were in a limited edition format, would you rather he produce it in this format or simply not produce it at all?

I like the idea of limited pieces for the really die hard collectors. I like to keep the same look and feel with all my vehicles, and think for those wanting the special vehicles only K&C would go along properly. Anyone have an idea of the production numbers of current polystone vehicles?
I agree with you both. I am for the limited edition sets. There is a market for these and yes they would probably be high end pieces. I would like to see more pieces made of other vehicles by K&C.

The polystone pieces presently run between 500 and 1500 before they are retired. The limited edition Premier vehicles I am proposing would run somewhere between 50 and 100 (depending on what Andy chooses to make). At the proposed price levels, for a far smaller initial investment in time and materials, Andy could make a similar profit from a limited edition vehicle than he does from a 500-1000 set polystone vehicle run. I could send you pictures of two prototypes I have purchased from Andy and believe me, you would be impressed with the quality. When Andy's master painters work on a resin and metal vehicle, the workmanship is absolutely spectacular. If we could convince Andy to make these, I think they would be superior to anything K&C has ever made in the past.

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