Brooklyn 14th! (7 Viewers)

Tim Abbott

Nov 13, 2007
These are really special. The detail is superb, right down to the unit badges on the kepis. The scale is utterly right for the Britains and older Conte troops in my collection, the painting is excellent, and I am very happy I shelled out for all three sets, though getting them all at once was somewhat of a gamble that there would not be more equally wonderful Zouaves coming along in the next few months that I can't afford right now. If such ideas are in the future, I'm all for spacing them 6 months apart as it certainly helps the budget. I'm always looking for a few good Zouaves, though, and would be especially pleased to see CS give the 5th, 9th, and 146th NY and some Louisiana Tigers same excellent treatment as these boys from Brooklyn.
Could I just ask, were there any Zouave's at Gettysburg. That is the one ACW Battle I collect.
Could I just ask, were there any Zouave's at Gettysburg. That is the one ACW Battle I collect.

Damian, there were a number of them....14TH Brooklyn (84th NY), 5TH NY, 62 NY, 73RD NY, 140TH NY, 146TH NY, 23RD PA, 114 PA........there were a number of others, but these came to mind at first thought...also some Gettysburg rgmt. became Zouaves, after the fight..Michael
I just ordered the three figure loading set. I just couldn't order all three without seeing if they were as nice as the ones I saw at the Hackensack show.
5th NY

The 2 years men in the 5th New York mustered out after Chancellorsville, and the 3 years men transfered to the 146th NY which converted to a Zouave unit and helped turn the tide at Little Round Top. My Gr-Gr-grandmother's second husband was a 3 year man and survived the war because he was a waggoner, eventually in charge of the Divisional train.
The figures are superb, they were a hot item yesterday at the New Jersey show to say the least, as were the Arnhem sets.............
Re: 5th NY

The 2 years men in the 5th New York mustered out after Chancellorsville, and the 3 years men transfered to the 146th NY which converted to a Zouave unit and helped turn the tide at Little Round Top. My Gr-Gr-grandmother's second husband was a 3 year man and survived the war because he was a waggoner, eventually in charge of the Divisional train.

Wht a great tie-in. Did you buy any?
Got my Brooklyn boys today. A +++++++++++ Great job brian. Hopefully there more zauves comming our way. We need some being shot, dead and marching.

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