Brother Gordon’s Latest Work... (1 Viewer)


Which figure is that on the balcony with Napoleon?


Ron thats a hachette figure of marshall murat they are made by K&C for hachette and come with a book like the del prado line but the book is in french.
I don,t know if this is a new special figure for the K&C line but its the same casting as the hachette figure and the other on the stairs below was also made for the hachette line but also released as a K&C club figure also.
If you haven,t seen the hachette napoleonic marshalls you should check them out they look great. I have quite a few of them and they are real nice and the painting is munch better then the del prado figures and the ones I have are just about as good as the K&C.
Ron thats a hachette figure of marshall murat they are made by K&C for hachette and come with a book like the del prado line but the book is in french.
I don,t know if this is a new special figure for the K&C line but its the same casting as the hachette figure and the other on the stairs below was also made for the hachette line but also released as a K&C club figure also.
If you haven,t seen the hachette napoleonic marshalls you should check them out they look great. I have quite a few of them and they are real nice and the painting is munch better then the del prado figures and the ones I have are just about as good as the K&C.

Hey Tim - Thanks

I tried to track down Hachette figures on the web and got nothing - any suggestions?? Where can I buy some of these guys??

Its interesting how K&C works deals with other companies like that?

Hey Tim - Thanks

I tried to track down Hachette figures on the web and got nothing - any suggestions?? Where can I buy some of these guys??

Its interesting how K&C works deals with other companies like that?

Dear Ron,

If you do not mind, I can answer your questions. First, Hachette is a French publisher that contracted with K&C to produce figures which the publisher give away with its magazines. This is similar to the arrangement that K&C had with Del Prado, a Spanish publisher. I believe K&C produced several million figures for these companies. In a past post, Andy indicated the rights to these figures belonged to the publishing companies, not K&C, though K&C has used the castings to make new figures with a slightly different pose (head turned or arm raised) and in a different uniform e.g. KCS067 to KCS076.

On eBay, K&C's Hachette figures are usually listed when you search for K&C. At the Chicago show, I noticed many toy soldier dealers like Hobby Bunker, Toy Soldier Shoppe, etc. had some Hachette figures, most of the time still shrink-wrapped to the magazine -- contact a few K&C dealers and some might be able to help you.:)
Dear Ron,

If you do not mind, I can answer your questions. First, Hachette is a French publisher that contracted with K&C to produce figures which the publisher give away with its magazines. This is similar to the arrangement that K&C had with Del Prado, a Spanish publisher. I believe K&C produced several million figures for these companies. In a past post, Andy indicated the rights to these figures belonged to the publishing companies, not K&C, though K&C has used the castings to make new figures with a slightly different pose (head turned or arm raised) and in a different uniform e.g. KCS067 to KCS076.

On eBay, K&C's Hachette figures are usually listed when you search for K&C. At the Chicago show, I noticed many toy soldier dealers like Hobby Bunker, Toy Soldier Shoppe, etc. had some Hachette figures, most of the time still shrink-wrapped to the magazine -- contact a few K&C dealers and some might be able to help you.:)

Thanks Steven.
Ron heres a link to the hachette site!
Your best bet at finding these is on ebay and they are almost always sold without the magazine which is in french anyway. I have gotten a bunch of these on ebay already and still do not have a single book. They will come up under a search for hachette but try other searches also like napoleonic, napoleon, marshalls, del prado, K&C. They have 2 specail figures also that were given out if you had subscribed to the full term(sold like the del prados) one was the K&C grenadier at attension but redone for hachette and the other is a really great napoleon sitting in a chair with his feet up on a drum.
Here is a picture of the napoleon figure. If any one has one of these they are willing to part with please shoot me a private message. You can see the bottom of the magazine in the background.
Anyone know if this building will be released by KC for sale or will it only be available as a special commission project through Gordon?

Don,t know if I can help, but here goes.
I have a guy I buy Atlas WW1 figures from, these are French produced, all different figures of French Soldiers from WW1.
I can contact him and see if he can get those Hachette figures.
He is super reliable with extremely fast shipping and I pay him thru paypal.
I'm on board. Any way of getting a list of the figures they've produced so far? I have two of there Legionaires and they are extremely well done.
any chance at all for andy to make that awesome building available to us,stevep
The Murat figure in the diorama is the new collector club figure just now being released by King and Country.

This diorama was shown to us in February, a full two month before the offical release. Interesting !!

King's Man

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