By Order of the Emperor and Senate. Those that Rebel against Rome will be Punished (1 Viewer)

I know that your collection is rather extensive and (a bit) eclectic, but this a somewhat new .. (AND WONDERFUL) .. direction.

From Vietnam's unfeeling peasants, simply going about their business amidst all the violence, to this work full of emotion and depth.
You did an incredible job with this one, Steve. Simple in construction but full of story.

Well done, sir.

I know that your collection is rather extensive and (a bit) eclectic, but this a somewhat new .. (AND WONDERFUL) .. direction.

From Vietnam's unfeeling peasants, simply going about their business amidst all the violence, to this work full of emotion and depth.
You did an incredible job with this one, Steve. Simple in construction but full of story.

Well done, sir.


Thanks very much Larry. Yes living under the Romans would not have been all Straight Roads and Hot Baths and if you fell into their Empire, you fell under their rules in a world that was much harder then.

Usually I do what I can to lighten my photos, but here I felt the opposite was needed.

This Roman woman now laments she had an affair with this Roman soldier, her high ranking husband dishing out brutal punishment. Your treatment as usual Steve is amazing, I have all these figures, but cannot duplicate the scene anywhere close to this.:salute::, Robin.
This Roman woman now laments she had an affair with this Roman soldier, her high ranking husband dishing out brutal punishment. Your treatment as usual Steve is amazing, I have all these figures, but cannot duplicate the scene anywhere close to this.:salute::, Robin.

Hi Robin

Interesting how we make our own storyline from images, be nice to hear other peoples take too.

The reasoning behind this story line Steve, the woman and baby come with a Roman in the set, so I was trying to work out why she was taking an interest in the poor sod being punished. The line I came up with seemed plausible. Agree, I also would like to hear from others on what they think. Robin.
The reasoning behind this story line Steve, the woman and baby come with a Roman in the set, so I was trying to work out why she was taking an interest in the poor sod being punished. The line I came up with seemed plausible. Agree, I also would like to hear from others on what they think. Robin.

There's no right or wrong answer to the scene Robin, just what our own imaginations make of it.

In my mind there is some relationship between her and the figure on the cross. I deliberately had her with her back to us to hide the helmet she holds as I didn't want there to be any relation between her and the Romans and by facing the crucifixion to reinforces the thought of a relationship, whether it be Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter or just a Clanswoman. But with the child she carries I feel makes the relationship more personal.

But I'd like to hear what others see.

I never get tired of telling you that... you're an artist!{eek3} Every detail is outstanding and... shall we talk about your terrific shots? I love the background! :eek:
So, in short...everything is great! :)


I never get tired of telling you that... you're an artist!{eek3} Every detail is outstanding and... shall we talk about your terrific shots? I love the background! :eek:
So, in short...everything is great! :)



Cheers Enrico, glad you like them. Have to say they are in my own opinion, they are most evocative. :wink2:


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