Canadian War Museum (1 Viewer)

cement shoes

Apr 24, 2005
I was in Ottawa this weekend and had a chance to check out the new War Museum. The second world war exhibit was excellent, I highly recomend it to anyone who is in the area. Hitlers parade car that was origanally captured by the 101st airbourne is the first piece on display once you enter, (I did not relize it was brought to Canada after the war) there,s a ton of armour, artillery and weapons from all countrys, including a Spitfire mk1 , Jagdpanzer,
several Sherman varients, German 88, Nebelwerfers and the list goes on and on. Im sure many of you have seen these types of pieces before, but it was the first time for me, and it was an amazing expierence. I'll deffinetly go again!
I love history and the places that preserve it. I now must make a trip to Canada and see it. I hope that the D-Day museum in New Orleans is O.K.
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I have been to the museum as well..... excellent. If my memory serves me well I think the car had a few bullet hole marks in the side window from an unhappy G.I. after its capture. The car is all bullet proof including the 1 inch thick, bullets didn't go threw. The car could go 170km/h and weighs more than 4,100 kg. My favorite pieces were General Sir Arthur Curries ww1 uniform and from the war of 1812, Sir Isaac Brocks uniform with the bullet hole in the chest when he was killed at Queenston Heights.

Yes, the bullet holes are from Floyd Talbert of Easy Company, 101st Airbourne.
He shot at the windows to see if it was truly bulletproof, then drained the radiator before the brass claimed the car. There is a picture and story in Stephen Ambrose' book Band of Brothers.
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that museum have one of the only, if not the only flying Lancaster bomber left in the world. I never made it to the museum before I left for the states but a good friend has informed me of some of their great restoration projects and I believe this was one of them.
Hello! What and Where is the Museum Located; that has the " HORSA GLIDER-Airborne Assault Gilder, and the WACO -Airborne Assault GLIDER WW2?( RESTORED )?
I think you may be thinking of the B25 Mitchell Bomber and its at the Hamilton Air Museum. I've seen that beauty fly before, one of only 3 flying in the world!!!

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I believe you might be right on the Hamilton site Wellington but I'm positive it was a bigger bomber than the Mitchell. Not to take anything away from the B-25( it's one of my favourites). I would have thought there was a few more B-25's around though. They seem to be at all the airshows....I use to go to the London(Ontario) airshow and they always had a great display of WWII planes. They had a B-25 with the six .50 cal in the nose and four mounted on the sides. What a beauty that was.
The Hamilton Museum does have the B25 and the one you saw flying is the same for all of Ontario, that is where it flies from. I saw the Lancaster you are refering to on the web site and you are right I guess they now have one of those, come to think of it it was there when I went but it wasn't flying they were working on it. Wasn't one destroyed in the fire they had, the supermarine spitfighter or what ever they call it?


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