Cats and human mental health (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2006
Now here's something completely different. When I was studying at Uni I came across some interesting information about the relationship between domestic cats and the mental health of cat owners. Mental health problems have a higher impact on humans than either cancer or cardiovascular problems yet receives a much lower portion of the health budget.

I guess most of us have known people that have lots of cats, and the 'crazy cat women' down the street seems to epitomise the issue.

Clearly there needs to be more research into this problem. For example the cat borne disease 'toxoplasmosis' is said to have a significant negative impact on human mental health, and I was wondering what other members feel about this overlooked issue.
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:D Cats, by their very nature, should never be allowed near a human being :eek:
Cat lovers, yes I am serious. Cats should never be allowed near a human being.

The only thing more fun than drowning a bag full of cats is drowning a second bag of cats :eek:

Signed a dog (man's best friend) lover :D
It's not for lack of logic that they refer to a dog's life or something is a dog. Not terribly bright animals. It's also not for lack of logic that cats are described with positive attributes, e.g. quick as a cat.
Cats are all right , but I like dogs and horses better. One buddy had a cat that played baseball with him:D
I like all our domesticated critters but I do like our OUTSIDE barncats. They are a hoot to watch as they play and wrestle. I whistle, they come running and they follow me all over the place as I go for my daily walk .I call it cat herding or poodie parades.
Drowning cats, very bad, very bad.


I am a cat guy. I had dogs but they do stupid things and eat stupid stuff. No more dogs- they are harder to keep and more vet bills. I have my cat now for 18 years and although I did not like the idea of him in the house when the kids brought him home he soon became my best buddy. Curious and intelligent. He is relaxing to have around and I probably get another one when he is gone. Leadmen
One of my ex-girlfriends had a cat, an evil cackle, a cauldron and a broomstick. I never thought that it was toxoplasmosis though. Never can tell ...

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