CBG Mignot Napoleonics? (1 Viewer)


Jan 2, 2006
Anybody out there collect Mignot figures? Since Imperial shut down I'm looking for other traditional Napoleonic figures. I'm thinking about Beau Geste also.
I hav a few old CBG mignot pieces, which I bought at a flea market. I find them too expensive to collect, so it has stayed with these few pieces.

Maybe tradition is a good idea too...
jrsteel said:
Anybody out there collect Mignot figures? Since Imperial shut down I'm looking for other traditional Napoleonic figures. I'm thinking about Beau Geste also.

The current issue of Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine said that Imperial has decided to continue in business with just two lines, the Victorian civilians and the Napoleonics. You also might want to take a look at Frontline Figures excellent matte finish Napoleonic line at $108 per set of six figures or Trophy's (glossy) Napoleonic line at $125 per set.
Hi Guys,

There are a lot of other companies that we havent even touched on yet, Try ANI They produce a small line of Napoleonic Infantry that is focused on the 92nd (Gordons), 42d (Black Watch) and Camerons. Alexanders is a relative new comer to the game but they have some very nice looking British and French Infantry sets. Fusilier Miniatures does some nice looking Royal Horse Artillery sets. Of course the best all around series for Napoleonics has to be Trophy of Wales. They have it all! But do take a look at some of these other guys too.

jrsteel said:
Anybody out there collect Mignot figures? Since Imperial shut down I'm looking for other traditional Napoleonic figures. I'm thinking about Beau Geste also.
Have a look at this line.http://www.fusilier-miniatures.com/order_cat.asp?lsSelect=RETREAT+FROM+MOSCOW&butSubmit=Go check out the figure pulling his horse out of the ice. I like the idea of the line and some of the poses but i like more realistic looking figures but you may like them check them out. I,ve also seen a bunch of other gloss napoleonics out there but i don,t pay munch att. as I collect matt figures but if i come back across them i,ll post a link for you.Traditions makes some good figures for gloss finish.
Thanks for the link to Fusilier figures, they're interesting. I'd never seen those. I collect Napoleonic in matte also. I was just thinking of Mignot because I like the antique soldiers and the history of the company and everything. Not that I collect for investment but they do seem to have good resale value. I've read here that Imperial will continue they're Napoleonics. Guess we'll have to see. Just from looking at all the traditional figures you guys mentioned, it seems that Beau Geste matches Imperial's style the most?
Re: Beau Geste & Imperial

I usually send my Imperial customers to the Beau Geste part of our website because it is the closest my lines come to Imperial, but Imperial is sort of in a class by itself and it's hard to explain the differences. They are just a bit more toylike and both the design of the sculpts and the way the are painted are more simple than most. Beau Geste will sculpt wrinkles into the fabric of the uniforms giving their figures a more realistic look, Imperial sculpts are always smooth. Beau Geste is an excellent replacement line for Imperial.
Shannon do you know if Beau Geste will be continuing and adding to their Napoleonic line. I see on your site a lot of the sets have been retired. I know they started up Honour Bound. Will more emphasis be going into that line? I know what you mean about Imperial being more toy like. That's their charm, and if you look at some of the small intricate painting on the Napoleonics, it's pretty incredible.
Beau Geste figures are nice but larger then Britains or Imperial sets. Trophy is some of the neatest also but harder to find. Tradition is nice but lately the quality is amiss unless you like redoing arms not attached correctly and missed paint- not like their older figures> My friend got most French/Indian war sets and he says he could do better assembling their castings and painting them on some sets. I noticed some also with new owners who take over proven companies and find quality down but price high. John
Beau Geste is alive and well and will not slow down on Honour Bound's account. They more than doubled their offerings last year so it was time to retire some of the earlier sets who's molds were starting to deteriorate. They had never really retired anything before that and the quality of their sculpting just keeps getting better and better so it made sense that they would put some of their earlier works to rest.
There are plenty of new Napoleonics in the works so don't worry.
Hi Again,

Trophy is harder to find on the secondary market but they have some dealer in the UK and there is one fellow in Texas that carries them and is always selling items on ebay his website is www.trophyoftexas.com

I would really look at them for a good looking line. But I will also it will be hard to find something similar to Imperial because like Shannon said they are a lot like the older soldiers that Britains used to make.

Good Luck in the search.

An old Britains style in modern soldiers

Dear Dave,
You are looking for a company that makes soldiers like the old Britains? How about something like this?
Mystery Set.jpg
This a company we are thinking of picking up that is currently in production. What do people think of this "mystery manufacturer"?
I hate to rain on your parade, Shannon, but this is no mystery to me! I have 45 sets from this manufacturer in my collection, including the set you are showing which is 1181, the Spanish Foreign Legion in summer uniforms. They also have an "ES" line comprising 40 sets from the Spanish Civil War. I have one set, the Italian XXIII of March Black Shirt Division from this line. I won't spoil your question and give away who the manufacturer is, but I hope you do decide to carry this line. They make great WW I and WW II traditional, glossy toy soldiers.
Hi Shannon,

I like the look of the Spanish Troops in the picture. I have not seen them before but I like the look a lot and would given the right circumstances pick up a set or two. Do they make any Indian Army Sets?


I, too, like the traditional look of the Spanish soldiers. My feelings parallel those of Dave. Given the right circumstances (budget, etc.), I would be tempted to purchase some of these figures.

Warm regards,

Shannon: I also know who makes the figures. They are nice figures and some unique sets. Leadmen
Well, time for the unveiling. These soldiers are made by a company out of Uraguay called Hiriart. Several customers have recommended them to us as a company that manufactures soldiers in the "old" Britains style. We contacted them while in Argentina and I think we will eventually stock them, but it is a very small outfit and I was told they already have enough work for the rest of the year. Not sure if that means they are just busy or they wouldn't begin filling my order until 2007. It's that language barrier again...I can order orange juice in a supermarket in Buenos Aires with little difficulty, but international toy soldier trade is a bit trickier...

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