Chicago Pictures (1 Viewer)

Old Guard

Jul 6, 2005
I would like to thank Steve, Carlos, and Louis for their great pictures and reporting from the show. For those of us who could not go this year it was a great help. Of course I am now trying to save some more money to purchase the new soldiers coming out this year.

From peoples descriptions it does seem that K&C had some of their stuff delayed and were put on display later in the week. It would be great if anybody has some pictures of these items to post them so all in the forum can see them.

1. The Battle of the Bulge Diorama
2. The fully painted Saracens defending the castle

Once again to everyone who helped report on Chicago and hopefully I will be there next year.

Old Guard
I know that Andy let anybody who wanted to take photographs of all the dioramas and products on display, and alot of forum members were present with cameras, so I suspect new photos will be posted when people get home from the show today.
Good point Louis. I would just like to encourage those who took photographs to post them. Including photos of products other then K&C.

Of course if any of you have blackmail photographs of Andy or any dealers out there let me know. I figure this will be the only way I can get all the soldiers that I want.

Old Guard
Unfortunately my camera's battery was dead when I arrived so no pictures from me. :(
By the way did anyone hear any pricing for the new stuff. I would like to know how much I will have to save up for the new limtied edition Sherman.

Old Guard
I believe the new strictly limited Sherman, which comes with 5 full figures, one half-figure and one head and shoulders in a hatch was going to retail for $199.
Here are a few pics of K&C Sarcens defending castle from Crusader seige. Leadmen
Could not post other pics due to size limit. Leadmen- little over, not going to mess with them tonight.
I saw the siege tower today in the flesh and must admit it is one brilliant piece and a must for anybody who is collecting this range.... I already have an order in for mine with K&C uk and can't wait for it and the rest of the knights to be shipped out....
I just hope there is some sort of castle going to be released at a later date to really set the figures off:D
Maximo, Andy said the castle in the display is going to be broken into sections for release early quarter next year. The gate, wall section, and a tower so you could build your own:)
Sage 742

Thanks for the info Going to start saving now.... Any idea what the prices will be?
Just need to persuade her indoors to let me have some shelf space now for ALL MY NEW TOYS haha:rolleyes:


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