These are were displaying their stuff in their rooms. They convert plastic items into some cool stuff. You'll recognize some of it in a totally different scheme.
They're not on the iNternet but you'll see there contact information below.
Gary K DID see them and bought some stuff. I was impressed by the BMC Amtrak conversion to an LVT(A)1 "Amtank". Some interesting items here. If there's that much of a market for conversions I should try to be more productive
Wow, looks like fun. Metal is neat, but you can really play with plastics, not just setup, look and take photos. I always wonder if I should go in the plastic direction. I buy plastics, now and then, just in case.
I think even for the hardened metal collectors most started with plastic figures and many stayed there I really still like plastic stuff and these look excellent. Thanks for posting the pics
I stumbled into their room Saturday, and yes I made several purchases plus I put in an order for more.
Really unique stuff that he does, and as much as I like plastic conversions I never heard of this guy.
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