With the Chicago show less than a month away what are you guys expecting or hoping for from Figarti?
I'm hoping for a winter T-34 and Sturmovik plane. Anything Eastern Front will do!
Here's hoping the releases are as great as last years!
An HE177 would be an awesome plane done the Figarti way.
How about a King Tiger, Panther or Jagdpanther? No one has really done a Jagdpanther in quite some time.
I'm on the same page as you guys. Any of the items you suggested bellow will be on my menu, from the eastern front, passing through V rocket series, to a ME-110 night fighter. I think Figarti won't disappoint, and will come up with surprises that at least will match last year's show releases. Crossing my fingers a shock and awe release also comes up this time! A B-24, a B-29, a PT boat, a HE 177 are among some of breathtaking s&a possibilities...