Thanks for the warm welcome Louis! It is indeed an exciting time with so many things already available and so many great things on the's almost overwhelming. I've got a good "starter" collection going include various eras, but mostly focused on WWII, including new and old Britains, K & C, Conte, Frontline, etc... I really enjoy metal soldiers the most but also have many plastic soldiers, which I'm planning on painting. I'll share photos of some of my items when I can. It's all stuff you've all scene before, but I know I enjoy seeing people's collections and set-ups even if it's somewhat common items. I can tell everyone one thing: although I am relatively new to the hobby I have already faced one problem with my new hobby...not enough space! Of course there's also the financial difficulties with keeping up with some many great products out there. I'm thankful to have an understanding "Congressional better half" who understands that there are far worse things to spend money on! She's great, which gives me one less thing to worry about, as longs as I am reasonable in my expenditures. Bring on the new Figarti buidlings! I hope some photos are available soon. No dealers have the "official" pictures of these items up yet. The early bird gets the worm! Take care all, Joe