Chicago Toy Soldier Show 2021 - Treefrog Perspective.... (1 Viewer)

My view.. Friday room trading for me was light. Most rooms were closed and what was there was mostly old or plastic.
I bought a HA building, and a figure from TF and that was it.

I arrived at the show Sunday about 10 minutes before opening. There was maybe 50 to 60 people in line at that point. I would say there was about 50 % of the normal tables. Mostly being plastic or older metal.
TF, Hobby Bunker, Sierra, and Trains & toys were the only ones I saw from the retail side. Metal Manufacturers none short of Areoart. I am not sure if Ted was representing WB officially or his own line.
A lot of notable missing vendors or regulars to say the least.

So was it slow and not a lot to look at?..Yes..However one bright spot that I noticed in 2019. The new owners have really marketed this show to new people, of the 60 or so people waiting to get in a lot were parents with kids.
Not the usual guys 40+ and above. I think over all it was good it they still had it. Sometimes you have to lose to win later. I only bought a few things Friday and Sunday but the biggest missing piece was people I have talked to over the last 27 years or so not being there.
Oh Lord, not this again...................^&grin

Just busting your chops there Sammy, it was great to see you finally get to the show several years ago, the same one Mike Miller got to if I am not mistaken.......................boy that was a great show......................yup, several years ago, a great show.

🤣🤣🤣 after 3 years of Hell divorce it's my time!! I had to give up alot during those 3 years and life is good again!!! I had such a blast at the show 2017 I think? I was more like a deer in the headlights so this time if I can go I'll be more familiar with the whole shebang, are you planning on attain 2022??
Now that the Show is behind us let’s hope that the 2022 one will look like something approaching prior years’ shows and that we can look forward to seeing Ken and Andy and many others in Chicago as we have been accustomed to seeing them in the past.
🤣🤣🤣 after 3 years of Hell divorce it's my time!! I had to give up alot during those 3 years and life is good again!!! I had such a blast at the show 2017 I think? I was more like a deer in the headlights so this time if I can go I'll be more familiar with the whole shebang, are you planning on attain 2022?? a full time toy soldier dealer, shows are part and parcel to the business, it's one aspect of what I do and how I market myself to customers.

I cut my teeth at shows, my displays were a source of pride to me, shows helped me get to where I am in this business.

I have met hundreds and hundreds of people at the shows who became loyal customers, the shows are great in that regard in that you get to meet people face to face and make a connection.

I also started relationships with several manufacturers at Chicago, one of the key ones in taking my business from **** and giggles level to "holy ****, I made how much money??" was my relationship with Andy and K & C, he was right across the hall from me for years and we started a great relationship thanks in part to a very good customer of mine and also Andy, who kept telling me K & C would be a great for me.................yeah, he was right.....................;).................

Chicago was the first toy soldier show I ever attended, it has always been a highlight on my calendar and it has sucked to miss it two years in a row.

There will not be a third miss.

That's a promise.
Last edited: a full time toy soldier dealer, shows are part and parcel to the business, it's one aspect of what I do and how I market myself to customers.

I cut my teeth at shows, my displays were a source of pride to me, shows helped me get to where I am in this business.

I have met hundreds and hundreds of people at the shows who became loyal customers, the shows are great in that regard in that you get to meet people face to face and make a connection.

I also started relationships with several manufacturers at Chicago, one of the key ones in taking my business from **** and giggles level to "holy ****, I made how much money??" was my relationship with Andy and K & C, he was right across the hall from me for years and we started a great relationship thanks in part to a very good customer of mine and also Andy, who kept telling me K & C would be a great for me.................yeah, he was right.....................;).................

Chicago was the first toy soldier show I ever attended, it has always been a highlight on my calendar and it has sucked to miss it two years in a row.

There will not be a third miss.

That's a promise.[/QUOTE a full time toy soldier dealer, shows are part and parcel to the business...

" These are the demons you must slay, if you wish to succeed as a toy soldier dealer." - C. Montgomery Burns (paraphrased)


Brad a full time toy soldier dealer, shows are part and parcel to the business, it's one aspect of what I do and how I market myself to customers.

I cut my teeth at shows, my displays were a source of pride to me, shows helped me get to where I am in this business.

I have met hundreds and hundreds of people at the shows who became loyal customers, the shows are great in that regard in that you get to meet people face to face and make a connection.

I also started relationships with several manufacturers at Chicago, one of the key ones in taking my business from **** and giggles level to "holy ****, I made how much money??" was my relationship with Andy and K & C, he was right across the hall from me for years and we started a great relationship thanks in part to a very good customer of mine and also Andy, who kept telling me K & C would be a great for me.................yeah, he was right.....................;).................

Chicago was the first toy soldier show I ever attended, it has always been a highlight on my calendar and it has sucked to miss it two years in a row.

There will not be a third miss.

That's a promise.[/QUOTE

Not sure what this is all about...............
Glad you guys enjoyed my video! It was a tough year to get out of my room, so there wasn't much I could see otherwise. A few trips here and there to see friends and cruise a few rooms to catch up with people, but sometimes I accidentally left my phone behind! WHOOPS!

Photos of the ship in its box for Mike (rowers were marked L & R, which was VERY handy!)
Sail was in a separate box in this instance!


Glad you guys enjoyed my video! It was a tough year to get out of my room, so there wasn't much I could see otherwise. A few trips here and there to see friends and cruise a few rooms to catch up with people, but sometimes I accidentally left my phone behind! WHOOPS!

Photos of the ship in its box for Mike (rowers were marked L & R, which was VERY handy!)
Sail was in a separate box in this instance!


thanks Julie...appreciate you're taking the time to show this...they look concisely well packed and should ship very well...


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