" Dumping " my friend is quite a word to be using when we achieve at auction prices at or above retail, have you seen the final prices that items sell for? Indeed you have not, Arnhem my friend is at 60% sold out as it is shipping, you'll wait a long time until those items ever appear on EBAY and if they do it will be by private collectors at appreciated prices.
EBAY has proven a resounding success at getting the DAK and ACW products to market. Many retailers are findind sales slowing rapidly overall. This is partly due to the economy and partly due to large inventory gluts, Conte's two for one sale is a great model for inventory problems plaguing not only our industry but the whole of the economy ( have you seen retail sales numbers?), Certainly there are too many manufacturerers serving too few buyers. Demand is shrinking while supply had grown, simple economics 101.
What I am finding with many retailers is a complete resistance to inventory accumulation, hence they will not re-order many of our DAK and ACW products, I go to shows and sell them left and right. The bottom line is most mid to large toy soldier retailers simply don't have the financial resources to re-stock every single line thats produced.
The amount of Britians Conte and Yes K&C in warehouses unsold has created a sort of " glut " of product creating resistance to much new buying. Store closures abound and may get worse. But through it all we are still creating and shipping new product to eager collectors ( e.g. Arnhem and 14th Brooklyn ). So why for a moment would you judge us so harshly at a time when much creativity is needed to ensure products find a customer.
What we find on EBAY is a great pool of customers, albeit bargain oriented, that love our product. We are able to continue selling these incredible DAK and ACW sets and grow new customers all the while. If we waited for the dealers to re-order DAK and ACW, we'd be out of business and there would be no Arnhem, no 14th Brooklyn no HJ and all else that is to come. Now you wouldn't want that, now would you?
P.S. A little birdy just told me, we're almost out of DAK 88, MkI, R75 and ACW Cavalry and artillery: you better order while you can
Hope that helps clarify our massive " dumping " program on EBAY
Cheers and Happy Collecting!