Civil War series (1 Viewer)


Aug 16, 2007
Does anyone know when K&C intends to produce some Union Soldiers for their Civil War series? Or some Confederates in combat, for that matter? I am pleased with what they've done so far, but it needs to be expanded.
Welcome aboard Tex. What part of the Republic do you call home? I lived in Irving for 4 years and Beaumont for 2 years.

Andy told us that the next couple of releases would be action Confederates, and that it would be a while before he produces any Union forces.
I live in San Antonio, so, of course, I frequent King's X Toy Soldiers downtown in the Menger.
Any word on when the action Confederates will be released?
Hello Tex,

As a Texan myself I welcome you the forum! The projected release date for the next batch of Confederate soldiers is January 2008. This release will feature 12 additional figures advancing towards and actually in the 'heat of battle'. The Union release is scheduled for mid ’08 and will again be a mix of advancing and combat figures. We have so much incredible stuff being produced right now that these dates might need to be adjusted a bit but, as of right now, this is where we are. I’m glad you have found King’s X; it’s a great little store! Be on the lookout for some additional Alamo releases next year as well.

I think this may be my second line i go into as a new collector. well unless king and country realease a whole bunch of winter germans and then i will make a winter army. but probably not so it think i will get some of the K&C Confederates once there not just loligaging around.

Thanks for the update - it helps to know what going on to plan a proper Defense Budget :D

Despite what people said about them I absolutely love the burnside bridge civil war series by King and Country
It would be interesting to know how sales of the civil war line compare to WWI. Both are just starting out with mostly non-combat poses. I think a lot of people are on the fence waiting for the combat poses to be released before jumping into these lines. Hopefully, some WWI Germans in action are on the way. There was also some talk about WWI motorcycles a while back and I would not be surprised to see those in the near future.
I agree Combat - It would interested in knowing what the sales on civil war vs. ww1 are??
Thanks for the reply. I am eagerly awaiting those new releases!
I wonder what countries will be represented in the WWI series.
I got to be honest, though. As I pointed out before, I really miss those old Rough Riders.
personally I think that civil war combat will out sell ww1 combat if andy does it right. But maybe if they expand slot it might out sell the civil war
I agree Combat - It would interested in knowing what the sales on civil war vs. ww1 are??

The one dealer that I spoke with in Gettysburg indicated that WWI was moving well and CW not at all - which is interesting given the location. But that is just one dealer. I assume CW will be more popular in the US and WWI more popular in Europe.
The one dealer that I spoke with in Gettysburg indicated that WWI was moving well and CW not at all - which is interesting given the location. But that is just one dealer. I assume CW will be more popular in the US and WWI more popular in Europe.

It may have more to do with the lack of action poses in the new civil war line. I like the figures, but I know many collectors prefer action.

How do you explain the success of WW I then? Those poses are fairly static also. This may be blasphemy but I'm more interested in WW I than the Civil War.
ACW is pretty well covered already and collectors of this era have not been well served by K and C in the past so they already have other loyalties. WWI is new ground and so the race is on to get product to market and establish some sort of market dominance and collector loyalty.


How do you explain the success of WW I then? Those poses are fairly static also. This may be blasphemy but I'm more interested in WW I than the Civil War.

Actualy wwi is not static but just not fighting. The WWI is marching around and civil everyone is just loli gaging around. I think once civil war goes action it will beat out WWI
ACW is pretty well covered already and collectors of this era have not been well served by K and C in the past so they already have other loyalties. WWI is new ground and so the race is on to get product to market and establish some sort of market dominance and collector loyalty.



I am not so sure on that. My Civil War collection is very large made up of Old K&C, Conte and Britians - but, I feel new Civil War figures with the King and Country touch will sell very well. If you love that period of time - like I do - you will collect new high quality figures - IMHO. :)

I do agree 100% on the WWI Line - that very exciting and some recent Documentaries and Movies is driving interest in the Great War - we are coming up on the 100th Annversary of the conflict - that should drive more interest as well.


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