CNN Interview: Doing business with Britain (1 Viewer)

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the majority of positive comments about my “comments” on CNN.

For the record “Forlornhoper” they actually interviewed me for about 25 minutes of which they actually used about a tenth of that. They asked lots of questions about toy soldiers and K&C and my personal feelings about Britain and the upcoming election. All of what appeared on the screen might be “predictable and boring” to you however there’s a whole big wide world out there who might not have your zero tolerance of predictability and boredom. And maybe, just maybe, these folks may not have seen or heard about a little company called “King & Country”… that makes something called toy soldiers… and the little guy who helps run it, Andy C. Neilson.

So, cut us a little slack, calm down and get back to having fun, fun, fun!

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.
We have this hobby to somehow escape the real life I am assuming, of the world/ And / or politics. For whatever brief moment It might be. If somehow it becomes politicized. Then it is not an escape anymore. And Becomes Less fun.
'We have this hobby to somehow escape the real life I am assuming, of the world/ And / or politics. For whatever brief moment It might be. If somehow it becomes politicized. Then it is not an escape anymore. And Becomes Less fun'.

Well said Spartan71.

Sorry Shannon I think it was mostly my fault as I mentioned the forthcoming election:eek:

Was good to hear Andy's views and get a look round the showroom,I would never get any work done if I worked there!.Must also say that somehow there is a buzz returning already,maybe its the forthcoming Dispatches or maybe its just a love of the hobby and an appreciation of K&C products,but its all good!:)

For your record Andy Neilson .i did not refer to your CNN interview as predictable ,if you had taken enough time to read my posts on the subject you would have read that i said what you said in the interview was nothing new or news.The predictable and boring part was a reference to members makes political / social statements that had nothing to do with the discussion.I thought it was really good to see a tv piece on toy soldiers and the shop looked really cool.Ken
For your record Andy Neilson .i did not refer to your CNN interview as predictable ,if you had taken enough time to read my posts on the subject you would have read that i said what you said in the interview was nothing new or news.The predictable and boring part was a reference to members makes political / social statements that had nothing to do with the discussion.I thought it was really good to see a tv piece on toy soldiers and the shop looked really cool.Ken

Sorry you were so pissed about the politics Ken,was not intentional.

Just got the link from Yan and, watched it. I think it was good promotion for King and Country but, agree with Forlonhoper that it was a bit uninteresting from a collectors point as what did it do to assist with my collecting?? nothing. Now if he had said on the CNN interview Panzeraces I am releasing some jap and British armour for Burma etc or, a new Jagpanther then, maybe I would have been more interested but, as long as dispatches come monthly and, some of my collections are meet and, some of the posess I dislike are minimal I do not really mind what Andy is up to

Just cannot see everyones interest in wanting to be his bud and, claim they influenced this release or that for me, they will come out in time and, for me, it will always be about the toy soldiers and thats all.
Just got the link from Yan and, watched it. I think it was good promotion for King and Country but, agree with Forlonhoper that it was a bit uninteresting from a collectors point as what did it do to assist with my collecting?? nothing. Now if he had said on the CNN interview Panzeraces I am releasing some jap and British armour for Burma etc or, a new Jagpanther then, maybe I would have been more interested but, as long as dispatches come monthly and, some of my collections are meet and, some of the posess I dislike are minimal I do not really mind what Andy is up to

Just cannot see everyones interest in wanting to be his bud and, claim they influenced this release or that for me, they will come out in time and, for me, it will always be about the toy soldiers and thats all.

Well each to their own I guess.I've made many friends in this hobby and Andy is one of them,I've always found him to be a friendly,approachable enthusiastic guy.Having great enthusiasm for this hobby myself its good to share it with others of like mind.As for influence on future products I doubt Andy just takes one persons opinion and runs with it,as I said before he probably takes inspiration from books,films,collectors,dealers and then of course just the stuff he'd like to see.

Whether its Andy,all the guys and girls at K&C UK,the great and generous people on this forum,dealers from the different producers,the people in this hobby are a joy to know.Its what makes collecting even more enjoyable.

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Fair comment,no more mention of politics will be made by myself on this forum:D
Regards Steve
I believe, when a market leader believes the market is healthy dispite an economic downturn, I don't view it as uninteresting. As a collector of King & Country the fact that CNN is interviewing Andy adds a level of sanity to this crazy hobby. I have sent the video to many of my non-collector friends, and they didn't relalize that the hobby was a real business. As a final note, I would hate to see K&C think, anytime they put sometime out as an FYI to the forum, that it gets the nth degree. At some point, they might stay away.
I for one really enjoyed the interview, and found it fascinating that CNN was willing to turn their cameras onto our small little corner of the world. And with regards to some of the comments on this thread, I think we can certainly disagree with Andy, but without question he's earned our respect, and we should give it to him accordingly. On a lighter note, did anyone catch the "Established in 1745" on the store sign? I thought K&C was founded in 1984.
I for one really enjoyed the interview, and found it fascinating that CNN was willing to turn their cameras onto our small little corner of the world. And with regards to some of the comments on this thread, I think we can certainly disagree with Andy, but without question he's earned our respect, and we should give it to him accordingly. On a lighter note, did anyone catch the "Established in 1745" on the store sign? I thought K&C was founded in 1984.

Maybe he is referring to the 2nd Jacobite rebellion in 1745?


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