Collector #23 On WEB (7 Viewers)


First Sergeant
Apr 23, 2007
Collector #23 has been posted and I am glad to see that 1914 is not being abandoned. Yeah!

Rough Riders!
Absolutely,sounds like K&C are digging in for a long and wide ranging war!.Great stuff!!;)

Rough Rider. Now, that's freakin' awesome:cool::cool::cool:. Great looking sculpts. Not sure how they'll fit in with my older collection but I'll be calling Kings X this morning.
I don't see them yet on the King's X site..let us know when they'll be available..thanks!!!
I just spoke to Joan at KingsX and they won't be available until sometime in May so I would suggest contacting them at that time. I can't wait.
I just spoke to Joan at KingsX and they won't be available until sometime in May so I would suggest contacting them at that time. I can't wait.

Hi Brad,

It sounds like Andy may be timing the arrival of the Rough Riders to correspond with the San Antonio show.

Warmest personal regards,

Rough Rider. Now, that's freakin' awesome:cool::cool::cool:. Great looking sculpts. Not sure how they'll fit in with my older collection but I'll be calling Kings X this morning.

Question? Unlike the Nevilles, who privately financed their exclusive Crimean War line for KING and Country UK, Kings X is owned by K/C. When they are making a line exclusive to their U.S. home base, does this not create direct competition against all their own dealers? Michael
I wouldn't call it competition. I think it is more like a collectors club figure or any other exclusive. This is not uncommon with collectibles.
Question? Unlike the Nevilles, who privately financed their exclusive Crimean War line for KING and Country UK, Kings X is owned by K/C. When they are making a line exclusive to their U.S. home base, does this not create direct competition against all their own dealers? Michael
In my opinion, it depends on the popularity of the subject and whether dealers think there is a potential for a lot of lost sales. I collect the Streets of Old Hong Kong line and there are several U.S. dealers that do not carry this line. If one dealer had exclusive figures in SOHK, I do not think the other dealers would care about this competition. Now, if a WWII set was exclusive to single dealer, other dealers could complain, and we would have a result similiar to where the British Sherman commissioned by K&CUK was later sold other K&C dealers.

Kings X was one of the first K&C dealers to commission exclusive sets and there is a history of this store having exclusive lines. Many years before it was purchased by K&C, Kings X had an exclusive glossy Rough Rider's line. The early glossy K&C Alamo figures were also exclusive to Kings X. At the time, you could only purchase these figures from Kings X and the store in Hong Kong. Because of its location in the hotel where the Rough Rider's gathered and its proximity to the Alamo, Kings X have tourists visiting these locations that were interested in these subjects. I am not sure if the "Charge up San Juan Hill" line was originally supposed to be exclusive to Kings X, but it was available from all dealers.

We will see how other dealers respond.:)
Having just reviewed this collector magazine if I read between the lines I get the sense that the FOB series is shifting from France, the evacuation of Dunkirk, to what I hope is the Battle of Britain. This could pave the way for some polystone airplanes ( like the Komet ). Wouldn't Spitfires, Hurricanes, Me-109's, Me-110's, ground support crews, civilians ( like the English Bobby ), airforce support vehicles, etc etc be great. Here's hoping.
In my opinion, it depends on the popularity of the subject and whether dealers think there is a potential for a lot of lost sales. I collect the Streets of Old Hong Kong line and there are several U.S. dealers that do not carry this line. If one dealer had exclusive figures in SOHK, I do not think the other dealers would care about this competition. Now, if a WWII set was exclusive to single dealer, other dealers could complain, and we would have a result similiar to where the British Sherman commissioned by K&CUK was later sold other K&C dealers.

Kings X was one of the first K&C dealers to commission exclusive sets and there is a history of this store having exclusive lines. Many years before it was purchased by K&C, Kings X had an exclusive glossy Rough Rider's line. The early glossy K&C Alamo figures were also exclusive to Kings X. At the time, you could only purchase these figures from Kings X and the store in Hong Kong. Because of its location in the hotel where the Rough Rider's gathered and its proximity to the Alamo, Kings X have tourists visiting these locations that were interested in these subjects. I am not sure if the "Charge up San Juan Hill" line was originally supposed to be exclusive to Kings X, but it was available from all dealers.

We will see how other dealers respond.:)

I think as long as King and Country is willing to produce "exclusives" for anyone who is interested, it's more than fair. In my opinion any dealer who wants to step up and buy enough product to justify a minimum amount and the minimums are the same for everybody ..... why not?

Union Cove
A big welcome to you union cove and have a great time on this forum.I for one would love to be able to have the chance to buy all of what K&C make .Just releasing to one shop is hard for us collectors who struggle with funds at times.If my local dealer could stock these lines it would be alot less without overseas post.It just makes it harder for people not living in the US and UK.Simmo.
Having just reviewed this collector magazine if I read between the lines I get the sense that the FOB series is shifting from France, the evacuation of Dunkirk, to what I hope is the Battle of Britain. This could pave the way for some polystone airplanes ( like the Komet ). Wouldn't Spitfires, Hurricanes, Me-109's, Me-110's, ground support crews, civilians ( like the English Bobby ), airforce support vehicles, etc etc be great. Here's hoping.

I was thinking the same thing,it does seem to suggest a shift across the Channel doesn't it.I really hope so as i think K&C could do real justice to this conflict,just look at the superb new set 'Fritz for you the war is over'.

I think as long as King and Country is willing to produce "exclusives" for anyone who is interested, it's more than fair. In my opinion any dealer who wants to step up and buy enough product to justify a minimum amount and the minimums are the same for everybody ..... why not?

Union Cove

The difference is that a individual dealer puts up his own money. This is a mfg. financed exclusive for a company owned store....Michael
I have now seen the future WWI releases: they look fantastic, including some 1917 Germans. What about the WWI diorama? Terrific, something like that is on my wish list: terrain, trenches and some K&C WWI figures charging to attack others waiting in the trenches! For now though, I only have a photo of the diorama in my computer:eek:. Good to read about K&C's plans for the Great War, this series is now gaining great momentum...

Many thanks K&C,
The difference is that a individual dealer puts up his own money. This is a mfg. financed exclusive for a company owned store....Michael

Michael, I see your point but it still doesn't upset me. I deal with several manufacturers and King and Country treats me the most fairly by far. Given a choice between not producing exclusives for their own store and not selling the same product that I'm selling to my customers via the internet I suppose I would choose the latter. At least they're not on Ebay selling their stuff for 25% of the retail price. But then maybe I'm finding enough stuff going on in the world that upsets me that I just can't get too worked up about this. Just my 2 cents.

Union Cove
A big welcome to you union cove and have a great time on this forum.I for one would love to be able to have the chance to buy all of what K&C make .Just releasing to one shop is hard for us collectors who struggle with funds at times.If my local dealer could stock these lines it would be alot less without overseas post.It just makes it harder for people not living in the US and UK.Simmo.

Simmo, Thanks for the warm welcome! I feel your pain. Dealers have to pay shipping charges from Hong Kong. It would be great if they were made here in the USA. It would save me some money on shipping, but I'm not sure the quality would be very good.

Union Cove
On another note, I read an article in the local paper about Phil Collins being a Huge Alamo Fan and will be in San Antonio this weekend to speak at the annual gathering. I also recall a story from Andy if I'm not mistaken that Phil walked into KIng's X and bought a boat load of the Alamo figures and terrain??
I'm sure he'll be back in there again this week!
Phil Collins, who's that guy?:D:D:D:D Are you sure you didn't mean Peter Gabriel?:D:D:D:D

I think as long as King and Country is willing to produce "exclusives" for anyone who is interested, it's more than fair. In my opinion any dealer who wants to step up and buy enough product to justify a minimum amount and the minimums are the same for everybody ..... why not?

Union Cove

Hey - Union Cove

Welcome - Welcome ! :D

Guys - this is one great dealer with K&C Products ! Glad to have you onboard :)


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