Collectors Age Pole (1 Viewer)

I am 64, but I think I am 32. And when it comes to toy soldiers, I act like I am 10, but with more money to spend.
I'm 41 and loving toy soldiers more than when i was a kid!

I'm 36. Been collecting K&C for a year now. My savings account is a lot emptier than when I started.
K&C UK ages

ME Tony 33- better looking of the 'Nevilles' Must have got it from my mum
Bob - 41 nearly 45 ho ho thinks he can still surf and still thinks he is cool......... was he ever?
Mike 'Boss dad' Neville 66 i think oops glad he does not come on here
Sue 'boss mum' not my place to mention her sixtith last December ...........doh!
Dispatch dave was 28 yesterday (15th March)

By the way guys i am 34 at the Chicago show so i think we should have a get we need an excuse?

Tony Neville
44 years old, although my friends and family don't think so with all of the toys on display in my house. You guys know that look when they walk in don't you. I know some of you have seen it. Please tell me I'm no alone.
I think I just beat you all at being the youngest:p . Oh, sweet seventeen:rolleyes: ...
Well today I feel my age-- no energy except to read toy-soldier magazines and catalogs-- medicare here I come in June--65 years- used up about 10 lives. John
Toy Soldier Brigade said:
44 years old, although my friends and family don't think so with all of the toys on display in my house. You guys know that look when they walk in don't you. I know some of you have seen it. Please tell me I'm no alone.

You are not alone. They look at me as if I had regressed back to 10 years old. Toy soldiers!?!?!? they are thinking. But they don't say anything. They might secretly suspect that I am loosing it along with all the other things that are going.
I am 43 years old and the collect abut 20 years
and the last 5 years k & c .
richard .
Hey guys,

I'll 50 in 2 days, I've been collecting for about 51 weeks and still having fun despite dropping down some serious cash over the last year.

I still have a little bit $$ left in my pocket and anxious to spend it, anyone have a couple of Britains retired pieces (17246-German 88 & 17247-US 155mm Long Tom)?


Hi Brad,
Actually wasn't exclusively K&C in those days, still had a lot of pieces including warbird, camel corps,gloss Nap. and WWII. That stuff was naturally hard to find and could never really put together a near complete collection, was rather frustrating. I sold all of that stuff on e-bay along with all the other brands to focus on Current K&C for the last 2 yrs. I cringe a little thinking back, but it allowed me to get most of what I want in the "modern Era" (which is most of it!) of K&C WWII production, I was forced to make a "one or the other" choice, I choose the other and am very happy with what I have.

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