Collector's Showcase and First Legion Napoleonics (1 Viewer)


Dec 24, 2010

Could anyone tell me how First Legion Naps and Collector's Showcase Naps look together in terms of scale, painting etc? I have no CS pieces but I see they do a few sets the FL does not, such as Scots Greys and British Horse Artillery which I am hoping would look good with me FL collection.

Many thanks,

I have mounted figures from FL, K&C and CS. The K&C figures are noticeably bigger than the FL figures and it looks like the CS figures are slightly larger than the K&C. But for size, I would put the CS and K&C figures together. The K&C painting is the brightest and the CS figures are darker and gritier but I would put them together. The FL figures do not go very well with either K&C or CS. I don't have any CS standing Nap figures to compare to K&C.

Terry is right
FL don't mix well with any other makers
KC and CS are very obviously bigger than FL
even the painting is different
I don't even think CS go with K&C. The only two makers figures in the mainstream 1/30th (whatever that means) that work are K&C and TG.

AFV's are another issue but, its best really to keep them confined to their own brands unless, you just don't care and heap them all together, don't care about scale and compatability and have fun!!!
Aren't FL figures 54mm? I wouldn't be able to put those with KC or CS, not just because of size, but paint style. I have seen dios of CS and KC Naps mixed, and they look pretty good. However, I'm still not a fan of the large colorful bases that CS uses. If they would just shave them down, make them smaller, and more neutral, I would be able to mix them with KC more.
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