Coming Soon From Barzso Playsets (1 Viewer)


Mar 1, 2007
Hi all,

Here are a few photos of a new breached wall that will be released soon by Barzso Playsets. The breached wall is based on a standard castle wall - so it fits in perfectly. You'll notice that there are several places to place your figures on the wall. This is the first of several planned "add-ons" for Barzso's castle and medieval village range. Included, but not shown in the photos will be 2 small piles of rubble that can be placed where ever you like.

I'll post a few more photos later - showing the castle in use with soldiers from other eras.





I like it! The Barzo castle at Chicago had to be seen to be believed. It was colossal! That is a neat addon to the system.

One question though. In the past I have seen some distortion on older foam pieces. Are these more stable? They can be pricey and I would like to have one for a long time.
I like it! The Barzo castle at Chicago had to be seen to be believed. It was colossal! That is a neat addon to the system.

One question though. In the past I have seen some distortion on older foam pieces. Are these more stable? They can be pricey and I would like to have one for a long time.

These have been coming off the mold very consistently. Ron tries to be careful about putting good quality out. I've seen him reject boxes of stuff, due to poor quality. And of course, he stands by his money back guarantee, if something slips thru that doesn't meet with your approval. I have the castle from the Chicago display and it looks just as good as it did there. Of course, I have some much older pieces, too and have not experienced any problems.

We're going to display the castle at Indy - and will include the breached wall and lots of trees for Sherwood Forest. If everything goes well - we may have another new piece or two to display there.

Thx for your comments and question!

Great stuff. When can we expect these on the market? Also, ROn is a great guy. I met him at the Texas Show last year and he and his wife are great people. Look forward to seeing them this year at the Texas show if they come down. They are listed as coming, along with several other great toy sellers. I am already saving money for that weekend.
Jim, I take you designed the new wall?
Great job!
I know you won,t tell what they will be, but will Ron,s OTSN set this year have the figures done in size & scale as last years RH figures? Hope so.
Great stuff. When can we expect these on the market? Also, ROn is a great guy. I met him at the Texas Show last year and he and his wife are great people. Look forward to seeing them this year at the Texas show if they come down. They are listed as coming, along with several other great toy sellers. I am already saving money for that weekend.

Louis (and all), The breached wall will be available the day after Easter (Mar. 24). Price is $59.95 ea +$12 shipping and handling (US).. The price includes 2 small piles of rubble which aren't shown in the photos.

and you're right - Ron and Mary Ann are awesome people.. They are planning on being at the Texas show again this year.


Jim, I take you designed the new wall?
Great job!
I know you won,t tell what they will be, but will Ron,s OTSN set this year have the figures done in size & scale as last years RH figures? Hope so.

Hi Gary,

Thx for the kind words - glad you like the new wall! Ron and i design each piece together and I do the sculpting - so it's always a combined effort.

The past two years of sculpting for Ron has been a blast - especially workikng on the Robin Hood Playset and Nottingham Castle. Robin Hood and the Medieval period in general, have always been my favorite era in history, literature and movies! Now I get to play in Sherwood all the time!

As far as future playsets and figures go, I don't know exactly what Ron's plans are, but if he does any more medieval figures they will be in the new scale.

Thx again,

These have been coming off the mold very consistently. Ron tries to be careful about putting good quality out. I've seen him reject boxes of stuff, due to poor quality. And of course, he stands by his money back guarantee, if something slips thru that doesn't meet with your approval. I have the castle from the Chicago display and it looks just as good as it did there. Of course, I have some much older pieces, too and have not experienced any problems.

We're going to display the castle at Indy - and will include the breached wall and lots of trees for Sherwood Forest. If everything goes well - we may have another new piece or two to display there.

Thx for your comments and question!


You have that castle? Where the heck do you display it???? You are one lucky guy!! I will look some more at the walls. I have some knights that I would like to display.
Barzo's stuff is always good. Some day I am going to paint those great indians:)
You have that castle? Where the heck do you display it???? You are one lucky guy!! I will look some more at the walls. I have some knights that I would like to display.

KV - yep I have the castle... and it's displayed... in the unfinished section of my basement. I'll post a few photos later - may not be until tomorrow... I had a fun day of going to the dentist and then being sent to an oral surgeon to have an extraction... They have such a nice way to say I gotta tooth yanked out! Right now I hear the couch and an ice pack calling my name...

KV - yep I have the castle... and it's displayed... in the unfinished section of my basement. I'll post a few photos later - may not be until tomorrow... I had a fun day of going to the dentist and then being sent to an oral surgeon to have an extraction... They have such a nice way to say I gotta tooth yanked out! Right now I hear the couch and an ice pack calling my name...


Wow! You lucky, lucky guy! Except for the dentist part. I have to go soon too.:eek: Can not wait to see the Castle again!
Wow! You lucky, lucky guy! Except for the dentist part. I have to go soon too.:eek: Can not wait to see the Castle again!

KV - here are a few shots of my temporary Robin Hood / Castle set up in my basement. Eventually I'd like to have all the figures and accessories painted and have some nice ground work made. The manor house is set amongst the trees of "Sherwood" and a path leads to the castle (I'm pretending this is a much further distance than what is displayed) Within the trees I have Robin's camp setup and an attack on the Sheriff's tax collectors, in the process of bringing a cart of gold back to the castle.

You may notice that I have a few original and recast Marx 60 mm Robin Hood and Knights mixed in to add to both forces!!






KV - here are a few shots of my temporary Robin Hood / Castle set up in my basement. Eventually I'd like to have all the figures and accessories painted and have some nice ground work made. The manor house is set amongst the trees of "Sherwood" and a path leads to the castle (I'm pretending this is a much further distance than what is displayed) Within the trees I have Robin's camp setup and an attack on the Sheriff's tax collectors, in the process of bringing a cart of gold back to the castle.

You may notice that I have a few original and recast Marx 60 mm Robin Hood and Knights mixed in to add to both forces!!







Enjoy! Enjoy! Cor!... not much eh.:eek::D:cool:

This is pretty amazing and thanks for posting the photos.

That is soooooo cool! :cool: You are lucky to have that castle and to be able to have it set up! Maybe not one in a million but two million? Thank you for the pictures and to let us share in your blessings.:)
the barzso castle set-up is great. but what really caught my eye is in the background of one of the photo's. on the top shelf, is that the box for the 'ideal atomic cannon' ......
the barzso castle set-up is great. but what really caught my eye is in the background of one of the photo's. on the top shelf, is that the box for the 'ideal atomic cannon' ......

Glad you enjoy the castle set-up and you have good eyes! That's IS the box for the Ideal Atomic Cannon.

On the shelf below it - is the Atomic Cannon itself.. In the photo is kinda hard to see. That's a great example of 1950's toy making at it's best. In one of the other photos you can make out my Deluxe Reading Battlewagon - which is one of my all time favorite toys!

Thanks for pictures Jim. I enjoyed your castle at Chicago. I might go to Indy this year. John
Thanks for pictures Jim. I enjoyed your castle at Chicago. I might go to Indy this year. John

John - I hope to see you there. As I mentioned we'll be displaying the castle at Indy as well. During the show I'll probably be helping Ron and Mary Ann Barzso with their tables - so stop by and say hello.

Glad you enjoy the castle set-up and you have good eyes! That's IS the box for the Ideal Atomic Cannon.

On the shelf below it - is the Atomic Cannon itself.. In the photo is kinda hard to see. That's a great example of 1950's toy making at it's best. In one of the other photos you can make out my Deluxe Reading Battlewagon - which is one of my all time favorite toys!


jim, saw the battlewagon in the first photo, great stuff. one of my favorite toys of the 50's was the ideal 'phantom raider'. i picked one up, mint in the box a few years ago. i showed it to my 2 grown daughter, ran it on the floor and they were both amazed. 'we didnt know they had computer run toys in the 50's' they both said. then i took off the deck, showed them the simple motor with the gear structures, the bell, etc. and they were even more amazed. worst mistake i ever made was reselling last year. remco, ideal, marx, deluxe reading all classic toy companies of the 50's. thanks for the photo, andy

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