Comparables (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 1, 2010
I am a big fan of TSSD, but was curious what other brands out there are similar and would go well with TSSD figures? I have heard the Conte figures are similar in shape, size, etc. and go well with TSSD.

Are there any others??
From what I've got in plastic, which is a reasonable range from different manufacturers, I'd say that Conte are you're natural comparables, both in level of detail, and size, bulk etc.
You could mix others, but I think you'll notice the difference in size and detail.
I'm getting the CTS GIs shortly, so can't say if these work well with TSSD, although the 2 Garys should be able to offer an insight.
One Gary here. The CTS figures are a bit smaller than Conte & TSSD but they will work. One very important thing I found out relative to different sizes in figures is that if all the figures are painted the same they blend in 100% better than if they all are in their origional colors.
Since my plastic collection is based on converted figures I spray paint each grouping, ie. GI,s, Brits, Russians, a seperate color.
Another thing that works is if you have a smaller scale figure such as Airfix, if you put him on a larger, thicker stand that will work also in bringing him to scale.
Thanks guys!

However, I am still pretty new here, and dont know all the lingo please help me out.


Also...Gary, are you saying that in order to make them all blend together better you spray paint them all one color? I just wanted to make sure I understood. So, like all of your GI's are "Green," etc. Is that right?

And what did you mean when you said your plastic collection is based on converted figures?

Finally, I had asked about airfix before. I think I got the same response. It is that they will work with TSSD or Conte, but they just need to have a larger base added to them?!?

Thanks for all the help!
As Gary K mentioned, both a single color and an appropriate base make a big difference. Not only are the Conte/TSSD figures a bit bigger and "bulkier" than some others, but they tend to have a thick scenic base that magnifies the difference.

I have done conversions for GK5717 and I can use some Airfix parts with Conte/TSSD - you have to see what looks right.

Right now I am working on conversions of the new CTS GIs. They are a bit small than the Conte/TSSD, but some parts can be swapped out and still look appropriate (at least to my old eyes). I find that some Airfix parts appear to work well on them, and possibly some Marx parts.

The Airfix soft figures are sort of an "in between" size, and can be used with other figures, but they have thin flat bases which makes them seem shorter.

Gary B.
These new CTS figures should Convert with the Marx Marines.
That will produce the Shooters that Mr Marx didn't.
Denver, you are right. I forgot to mention the Marx figures. Very close in size and style. Being a "gun nut" I replaced the pistol on the CTS guy (holding a carbine and firing a pistol) with the .45 automatic from a Marx Marine officer. Looks better to my eyes - the CTS pistol looked wimpy :)

Gary B.
Italieri figures go well with Conte and TSSD. Also Armies in Plastic pieces go well. Airfix are smaller. Marx can work but they are thin appearing. They are not as bulky. BUMS also go well. They are not as detailed however.

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