Compelling, does this message resonate with anyone, why? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Nov 18, 2005
The following IS NOT a toy soldier related post....

Okay, any of you guys still here? LOL

Found this on YouTube and to me, it was compelling, is it to you and why?


I admit it, I'm a dinosaur. I say it at least once a day. "The world has gone mad." Everything is moving too fast, by the time I've figured out one thing umpty four others have taken over and I'm still out of step. Time to join the survivalists, nail crooked pieces of wood over the windows, stock up on ammunition and keep the grass cut to provide a good field of fire. Bring back the quill pen, says I. Trooper
it resonates with me absolutely. I don't really understand all the fear speak. I choose what I want to share pretty carefully.

Social networking has put me back in contact with so many people from my past and introduced me to many others through their network of connections, it's really overwhelming in a lot of ways. I think it's great.

I think anything that can bring people together from all over the world, to get us communicating and understand that what we all want is not so dis-similar is a good thing. We are all more a like than we are different no matter how hard some try to tell us otherwise.

Of course I have some privacy concerns and I hate seeing all the advertising but I share carefully and there's no fee for this service so I'll click a few ads from time to time to help them pay the bills.

Lastly, I think that video is a compelling sales pitch for advertisers bu I'm still not convinced that people are buying from ads posted on social media pages.
I found the "suggested" videos along the right hand margin with Obama Girl far more compelling than the main message.

Way to go Carlos!! {sm4}{sm4}{bravo}}
Well I guess I'm a dinosaur too then, it's all annoying to me.

Facebook/twitter/blogs/ipads/texting on and on it goes.

I was over my friends house the other night watching the Celtics game, he's got two 16 year old twin boys; one sat on one couch, the other on the other couch TEXTING EACH OTHER, neither said two words all night long.

We're raising an entire generation who will have no interpersonal communication skills; good God, what would they do without their phones/blogs/twitters/Ipads, GIVE ME A BREAK.

And my nitwit cousin insisted I get a Facebook account; all I get on it are ex girlfriends bombarding me with messages and nitwits from high school and college, all of whom I DO NOT WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH, SO LEAVE ME ALONE.

A friend of mine had a housewarming party two weekends ago that I found out about at the last minute, the invitations were sent out via facebook, so needless to say, I never got mine.

"Oh, you need a facebook page for your business", I don't.............
I have to agree with you to a degree also George. I do have a facebook account and have gotten in touch with a lot of former friends I lost touch with over the years. Being an Army brat you move around a lot and lose touch so it has been great for that.

Don't even get me going on the phones and texting !!!They are the most anti social thing ever created!!! I generally do think that if all said and done very very very few people would actually need one.

I went out with 3 friends to see Stomp and while we were waiting for the show to start they were all on their phones checking facebook and texting friends. I was sat like a cabbage and think wow this is a great night out.........hello I am here let's do that age old thing called talking :rolleyes:

or my cousin who had a bunch of friends over for a family reunion and she was texting people. I asked her what she was doing and she said texting her friends. I said what? your friends are here!! and if they were that important they would be here as well. She wasn't impressed and sulked off to her room. KIDS !!
I went out with 3 friends to see Stomp and while we were waiting for the show to start they were all on their phones checking facebook and texting friends. I was sat like a cabbage and think wow this is a great night out.........hello I am here let's do that age old thing called talking :rolleyes:

Thanks for the LOL's ignorant to be honest, what are you to them, chopped liver?

There are laws in place in many states, no texting while driving; first off, who'd be brain dead enough to text while driving? Well, plenty I guess, which is why there are laws against it.

Understood about Facebook and reconnecting with people you lost touch with; I guess I'm the unlucky one who's being bombarded with friends requests from people I'd rather not be friends with..........
Interesting and really funny take on things George! I am not a techno type but I have to say Facebook has really been good for finding a few of the guys I was really friends with in college and the Army. Since it was a Military School a bunch of us jusr went off to the 4 corners and lost touch so for bringing me back in touch with a few folks I was wondering about I am thankful. But the friend requests from folks I havent seen since I left HS and went wandering is interesting because most of the requests have come from people I cant remember. So I just ingor most of them maybe thats mean but I figure I wont gain much by interacting with them since I havent seen them since 1981 so I figure I havent got a lot in common with them anyway.

As for the cell phones and twitter and all that crap I told my kids to forget it unless they are paying the bill. I dont plan to be a like a friend of mine who was hit with a giant phone bill because of all the texting his daughter was doing. So I plan to be the mean dad and not let them have any of that crap I figure they can talk at school.

I have a cell and hate the dam thing because I really cant stand being bothered when I am out an about unless its the kids school calling because one of my kids is ill. I guess I am just too old fashioned and figure I am not important enough to be bothered so call the house and leave a message if I can ever figure out my answering machine...


Interesting and really funny take on things George! I am not a techno type but I have to say Facebook has really been good for finding a few of the guys I was really friends with in college and the Army. Since it was a Military School a bunch of us jusr went off to the 4 corners and lost touch so for bringing me back in touch with a few folks I was wondering about I am thankful. But the friend requests from folks I havent seen since I left HS and went wandering is interesting because most of the requests have come from people I cant remember. So I just ingor most of them maybe thats mean but I figure I wont gain much by interacting with them since I havent seen them since 1981 so I figure I havent got a lot in common with them anyway.

As for the cell phones and twitter and all that crap I told my kids to forget it unless they are paying the bill. I dont plan to be a like a friend of mine who was hit with a giant phone bill because of all the texting his daughter was doing. So I plan to be the mean dad and not let them have any of that crap I figure they can talk at school.

I have a cell and hate the dam thing because I really cant stand being bothered when I am out an about unless its the kids school calling because one of my kids is ill. I guess I am just too old fashioned and figure I am not important enough to be bothered so call the house and leave a message if I can ever figure out my answering machine...



I'm in the same camp as you, I ignore the requests........I found the video funny in the sense that email appears to be obsolete or not the flavor of the month as far as contacting people anymore.

Gee, just when I caved in and bought a laptop because one computer apparently nowadays is not enough to own...............
And my nitwit cousin insisted I get a Facebook account; all I get on it are ex girlfriends bombarding me with messages and nitwits from high school and college, all of whom I DO NOT WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH, SO LEAVE ME ALONE.

SEE . . George,
Facebook is only good for a second chance to meet with all the people from High School & College that you didn't have sex with.
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SEE . . George,
Facebook is only good for a second chance to meet with all the people from High School & College that you didn't have sex with.

Nor would I now care to.............there was a reason why it didn't happen the first go round either, believe me on that one, not to mention I'm beyond happy with my current girlfriend..........
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I did find it compelling and it is the new reality. Facebook was a force in bringing down the Egyptian government. If that's not compelling I don't know what is.

My nephew is an artist (paints a lot of portraits on commission) who ignored FB for a long time (it's a part time thing for him; he has a full time job as a graphic designer). He did ok but then a friend convinced him that he needed to use it. He did and his business grew exponentially. George, read this!

Anybody see the Social Network? Yes, it's somewhat fictional but fascinating: an example of how things are done.
I don't facebook but my wife does. She has a ball with it connecting to friends. I do the forums and have a blog. I have folks from all over seeing my miniature and history blog and I look a their blogs. If people don't take advantage of the "internets" it's too bad for them. This is the unexpected future we didn't dream about 50 years ago. Better than a personal jet pack!
I did find it compelling and it is the new reality. Facebook was a force in bringing down the Egyptian government. If that's not compelling I don't know what is.

My nephew is an artist (paints a lot of portraits on commission) who ignored FB for a long time (it's a part time thing for him; he has a full time job as a graphic designer). He did ok but then a friend convinced him that he needed to use it. He did and his business grew exponentially. George, read this!

Anybody see the Social Network? Yes, it's somewhat fictional but fascinating: an example of how things are done.

I am not going to completely disagree with you, but the Egyptian government was brought down because we (the US) left our "horse" Mubarek flapping in the wind so to speak and turned around and supported a new horse. Facebook didn't keep the tanks from firing on the masses, the CIA did through its new found support of the Minister of Defense!

I know you will not find that reported completely anywhere, but I honestly have drawn that conclusion from the perceived facts.


You may be right but apparently a lot of the organization that went into the demonstrations got its start through and was kept going through social media like FB.
I did find it compelling and it is the new reality. Facebook was a force in bringing down the Egyptian government. If that's not compelling I don't know what is.

My nephew is an artist (paints a lot of portraits on commission) who ignored FB for a long time (it's a part time thing for him; he has a full time job as a graphic designer). He did ok but then a friend convinced him that he needed to use it. He did and his business grew exponentially. George, read this!

Anybody see the Social Network? Yes, it's somewhat fictional but fascinating: an example of how things are done.

Spot on, Brad. Working in the media area, specifically editorial photography and photojournalism, I've seen first hand how social media is being used to change the traditional landscape. Whilst some may think that apps like twitter and FB are just for social interaction, they're mistaken as it's grown way beyond that. Gone are the days when organizations (be it governments or corporations) can easily control the message/opinion.

It was one of the driving factors that helped to spread the message and bring about change in Egypt and continues to be a "problem" for many authoritarian governments. Similar situation for corporations where and there are numerous examples of businesses taking a battering because of negative comments on social media pages striking a nerve with other users and subsequently going viral. Suddenly the companies are confronted with a negative image that they can do little to control as they're ill prepared for this 'new media'. It's part of the reason why so many businesses now have their own Facebook 'fan' page and companies have sprung up whose sole purpose is to try and mitigate the risk and engage in damage control when bad PR starts to occur on the social media sites. They're not on Facebook because they want to be cool or talk to friends.

I attended a professional photographers seminar recently about the benefits of Social Media for photographers. Was presented by one of the major advertising companies in Australia and whilst a lot of the stuff wasn't really relevant to my area of photography it did provide some food for thought... particularly on the likelihood of somebody purchasing a product on the recommendation of a friend, rather than just responding to an advertisement in the paper, TV etc. Our purchasing decisions are impacted by the opinions of people we know and trust ... think about it guys. This forum is a good example of that... how many times have you taken into account the opinions posted here of manufacturers X's products when considering or making a purchase?

Don't forget, this forum is also part of the new "social media" environment... just go to the K&C thread to see how difficult it can be for businesses to control the message, whether it is justified or not. No offense to K&C btw, just one of the few threads I regularly visit and the only one I have any lengthy knowledge of... guess it may be the same with the other manufacturers too.

We can pretend the 'social media' paradigm shift is not happening and we can shake our heads in much the same way as our parents (and I daresay grandparents) did, muttering about "the youth of today" but the reality is that the world is changing and in no small part because of the social media revolution.

You may be right but apparently a lot of the organization that went into the demonstrations got its start through and was kept going through social media like FB.

Spot on! And the authorities were unable to disrupt continued organization and thereby prevent the protests from continuing because they could not control the flow of information.

In the old days one of the ways that you could assess the real 'freedom' of the people was by the number of photocopiers/xerox machines that were available. These days it's by how they attempt to control the internet and in particular, access to free flowing social media.
Re: Compelling, does this message resonate with anyone, why? The Egyptian Revolution

Here's a link to the "TED Talks" program that featured Wael Ghonim, the Google executive who helped jumpstart Egypt's democratic revolution ... with a Facebook page memorializing a victim of the regime's violence. Speaking at TEDxCairo, he tells the inside story of the past two months, when everyday Egyptians showed that "the power of the people is stronger than the people in power."

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