Competition Winner! (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
The answer was of course Panzerschreck and well done to all of who sent in answers - some of which were very amusing!

The winner I am pleased to say was drawn out the hat this morning and it is without further ado..........................

The suspense is now officially killing me!!!!

Yes it is MIKE BRADY from Sparta - well done Mike a set will be on its way to you tomorrow!

The shipment has been finished today and will be here next 10 days or so hopefully! I have 5 sets here if you don't want to wait until next week - just let me know!
Another really interesting set. I collect mainly AFVs as opposed to figures, and combined with all the good product out there these days, I told myself not to buy any Gunn figures unless they were "special". And when I guessed it was a panzerscheck team, I said nothing special about that. But this will be the 3rd set I'm getting of the 3 you have done so far. They seem to capture a unique feature not found on similar sets - in this case it is the gas mask on the rocket man showing some little known history of the Panzerschrek.

Rocket Man, DOH! Now why didn't I think of that. Congratulations, Mike.:D -- Al
I feel ...LUCKY! And very fortunate to have both tropical FJ sets to add to my glossy Trophy and Little Legion sets.
Its a new era and style of collecting, driven by the quality and coolness of TGM!
Congrats Mike. Now, I know the fix is in :D

I can console myself that at least I had the right answer:cool:
Congratulations Mike,nice one.:)

This looks a very nice set indeed and it will be three out of three from TG for me,can't wait to see colour pics/Do we have a release date yet?.

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Now you truly are a Son of a Gunn:D

Perhaps with your influence they will make 19th C British Colonial sets now;)

I guess it's a good thing I didn't have my name drawn out of the hat... the other time I "won" a prize on Treefrog - the company went under before I got my winning item!

That bodes well for Thomas Gunn!

Looking forward to seeing the uniforms on these guys too.


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