Dear hubby,
I think the disagreement about the other web site is that this is a small hobby and I don't believe that both can survive. My feeling is that International Toy Soldier saw how well this was starting to do and decided to copy it. Now, I recognize competition is not necessarily a bad thing but with this small a clientele it may be not be necessarily the best thing either.
Second, this site is monitored by Andy Neilsen, the head of King and Country and Andy has posted here or sent emails to Shannon and Pete about questions raised here so he is obviously looking. Also Louis Badalato is a member here. Louis is probably the premiere collector of King and Country in the world and has Andy's ear. Several other important collectors have posted here including Bill Sager, who owns the site that you refer to, which is one of the most indispensible sites for King and Country fanatics, and others like Doug Short. While this doesn't make it the "official" King and Country site, it's pretty darn close.
As you can tell from my posting name, I am a jazz enthusiast and a veteran of several jazz boards. In my experience, many boards cannot survive because of the number of hobbyists, as I mentioned, is not large. I would hate to see a site such as this suffer and disappear because it becomes unfeasible.
So, I don't think it's a question of grown men acting like second graders but born of a real concern.
Plus, to collect toy soldiers reminds me of the old baseball saying, "you got to be a man to play this game, but you have to have a lot of little boy in you."