Comprehensive King & Country Catalog (1 Viewer)

Nov 18, 2012
Hi Andy,

I was just wondering if you and the folks at K&C ever thought about producing a book/catalog of all the wonderful pieces that K&C produced over the years? I've seen these types of books for other collectibles but do not recall ever seeing one for toy soldiers. I think such a catalog would be a fantastic resource for collectors and highlight some of the more rare/special pieces that K&C has offered over the years.

Keep of the excellent work!

-One of your many K&C fans.
Didn't Louis produce such a book a couple of years ago? A search of the forum should turn up the info.

I think it was the early stuff but not more recent stuff. I think Andy said he wasn’t going to do a book.
The collector magazines and brochures under the Events tab on their website cover the sets well in the meantime, but a book would be great. Probably too expensive to produce though , in the quality we would want, given the fairly niche interest.
To supplement what I said yesterday, there were plans for Andy to write one but I believe he said he was too busy to devote the needed time to write one. Andy a few years ago said there would be a book of Gordon’s dioramas but I’m not sure what happened to that plan. A book of his dioramas would be very well received, in my opinion.

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