Contact for W. Britains repair parts? (2 Viewers)


Jan 26, 2008
I'm trying to restore this battered W. Britains gun carriage that I got on eBay. I tried emailing Britains but I haven't got a response. Does anyone know a Britains link or email address I can use to get parts? IMG_0001.JPG
Hello Scott,
Our e-mail is wbinfo and we checked and there was no message from you about this item. I will say for the record, that if this American Civil War field piece was purchased new from us and arrived damaged we would have been happy to replace it. As a purchase from a secondary seller on e-bay we cannot help, because we do not stock replacement parts. My suggestion is to make a replacement trail-spike from Evergreen plastic rod shaped to duplicate the other one stored on the front cheek of the carriage…the ring on the carriage can be replicated from thin plastic sheet, or lead sheeting. The small ring at the end of the trail-spike can be formed from thin wire. Once painted it should look very much like the model we produce. These are the same materials I used when I made the pattern for the original guns. I hope this helps!
Thank you for the reply. I probably used the a mistaken email address. I bought the gun damaged on eBay so there is no fault of W. Britain. I'll try the repair.

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