Conte has announced a Western range. (1 Viewer)

He's explained more than once why in the past sets an figures did not come about. Since his move to North Carolina he's delivered to date on what he's announced since his move Matthew. I've seen no where were he promised to deliver on the announced set that never came about an he's stated more than once as his reason for them not being made available which in turn by some were stated as excuses...................Joe

I just counted 28 different German plastic poses from Conte including several which have interchangeable arms so you can make more poses if you'd like.
I don't understand the criticizing Conte for lack of German poses. Has any other manufacturer made 28 different plastic poses? And sculpts of this quality?
Shouldn't we be thankful someone was crazy enough to make 28 for us?

And the War Lord unmade product 'dead horse' seems to be trotted out at least once per year when the Conte people long ago made clear that the movie studio who had the license did not want interior parts made and disapproved the product from being released. I really don't think Conte paid to have the sculpts made with the intention that they only wait on the sidelines unmanufactured. The fact that the sculpts exist and have been widely seen proves Conte did what they could to get more WL product released.
Always amazing to read the criticism of what Conte didn't make rather than being appreciative of what they have made the collector.

That's just my view and thoughts..... Conte is the only company that announces product years in advance, which is where I think most people get frusterated.


I don't think this is true. I recently was rereading the wonderful Richard O'Brien book on USA toy soldiers and i found it amusing that Brzso Playsets was quoted as saying they would be making a Zulu play set, a Viking Play set, a Foreign Legion play set, a Roman play set and more.
They never made any of these but Conte did. And TSD made the Roman in plastic while Conte did in metal???
CTS announced WW2 Marines around 2000and took what, a decade to make ?
Conte made more Alamo than all others combined and they still get bashed for not making more. They've explained repeatedly that they can't keep losing money on Alamo play sets and asked for collectors to sign up for yet another playset. I recall reading a year or 2 back that TSD was going to complete the Conte Alamo with Ken Osen doing the sculpting but this never happened either yet all I ever hear is that Conte let us down and no one mentions TSD
Lots of stuff was shown by Accurate but never made in 1/32.

Yet no one ever attacks these other companies for non production of things they promise. I guess it's all a back-handed compliment to Conte as they set the standard for quality in sculpts in many areas.

I think the reason people get 'frustrated' is that the sculpts are so darn good that they drive us all crazy wanting more. Personally, I'm thrilled they have Romans, Foreign Legion, Earps, Northwest Frontier and more Zulu in the pipeline.
Two additions to the western series of the female gender will be added to the series for 2012 of which one will be available from the Collectors Club.

The Lady of the series.


The Lady of the Collectors Club

My major problem with Conte is trying to keep up. I have had to take a bit of a raincheck on the latest sets but will hopefully pick them up quite soon. So far he has delivered everything he has promised over the last three or so years.
My major problem with Conte is trying to keep up. I have had to take a bit of a raincheck on the latest sets but will hopefully pick them up quite soon. So far he has delivered everything he has promised over the last three or so years.

I know the feeling. I had no intentions of joining the Zulu War fray and had kept my powder dry choosing not to buy into several Zulu series by other manufacturers then finally I succumbed to the Lt's photos and playset addict 's photos and got the bug. I told myself I'd just get the flying zulu and saving the flag sets.
You know how it goes as I now have 15 of the 21 sets and am on the wait list for some of the sets which sold out. When the workmanship is this good it becomes addictive.
Two additions to the western series of the female gender will be added to the series for 2012 of which one will be available from the Collectors Club.

Wow! Raquel Welch as "Hannie Caulder." That 1st figure might need more "serape" as the bikini brief was 70 - 80 years in the future.
Wow! Raquel Welch as "Hannie Caulder." That 1st figure might need more "serape" as the bikini brief was 70 - 80 years in the future.

If I recall, there was more blanket and less undergarment.
If I recall, there was more blanket and less undergarment.

The blanket was her only clothing for a while and in the publicity, but draped more modestly.


I never liked the weird thong thingy on Conte's pirate girl on the left.


Nor the clothing not existing in history on the colonial woman.

Very nice, Joe.
The 1997 movie with Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott and Bill Paxton is an all-time favorite of mine and I will love to set up a little scene of the shootout.
Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday was just fantastic.
Very nice, Joe.
The 1997 movie with Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott and Bill Paxton is an all-time favorite of mine and I will love to set up a little scene of the shootout.
Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday was just fantastic.

I'm sure you'll enjoy having him i the scene Korad once he's been completed a makes his appearance.

Unlike toy soldier versions of Billy produced by other manufacturers over the years,
we have elected to show him firing his pistol with his left hand as his wounded right
arm hangs at his side. Contemporary accounts (backed up by reports of the wounds he suffered)
describe him being shot in the right wrist at the opening of the gunfight & then switching
his gun to his left hand so he could keep the fight going. While it is always difficult to
decide 'what moment' should be depicted in sculptures of a gunfight, this seems to be
the right moment to us...

Frank McLaury will be appearing next...and i haven't decided whether he should have a
bullet hole in his head or not....decisions, decisions....

Choosing the poses has to be tough as the men were doing so many different things in the few seconds of the fight.

I see that this "Billy" has the movie red sash.
For us plastic guys thank goodness there's TSSD for this western theme! I wish if Conte is done with plastic, he'd do the metal figures in monochrome like he did some special figures for the playsets. I would buy those as a plastic collector as they work very well. I know Conte's is a prototype but while it might be more to historical accounts, the TSSD pose appears to have sharper lines. Maybe the TSSD pose is a reverse image like the famous billy the kid reverse image where many thought him to be left handed (who was actually right handed).
Here's additional photos of Billy which show him off better than the last one.



Here's additional photos of Billy which show him off better than the last one.




The photos are much better. The original ones were very soft focus or blurred.
Glad to see the Conte people did some research and got the wounded arm correct. Amazing to me that so many others have gotten poor Billy's bum arm incorrect.
Any doubters should read the medical report used at the trial which clearly documents that the bullet entered near the right wrist. Product showing him with a bum left arm and firing with the right
are just plain incorrect. Amusing that so much unfair criticism of Conte is made regarding supposedly inaccurate women figures yet when a glaring historical error like Billy Clanton's arm comes to light no one applauds
Conte getting it right . More amusing still, the 'experts" and 'sticklers for accuracy' apparently give other manufacturers a pass for getting something so wrong. I can only imagine the uproar if Conte had been the ones getting Billy sculpted incorrectly.

Regarding Frank McLaury my vote is that Conte should not include the bullet hole in his head. Interestingly the medical report describes the bullet entering his head in a very different position than the center of the forehead as they've been showing in the movies.
The figure is wearing the movie costume avec sash so the figure is pretty good at showing Thomas Hayden Church in the movie. Will there be a Dana Delany figure in tights? :wink2:

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