Conte plastic GI suppliy... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
Is there anyone "close to the source" who might know if we will ever see another pressing of the plastic GI's? While I would certainly welcome new WW2 figures, that likelihood seems VERY VERY small. However, the tooling for the 27 GI figures must still exist and is probably paid for. The Conte GI supply has been drying up but they are still quite popular among collectors and convertors. One would think that another run of them might be profitable (even if it's just the sets with the MG team).

Gary B. in Nebraska
Is there anyone "close to the source" who might know if we will ever see another pressing of the plastic GI's? While I would certainly welcome new WW2 figures, that likelihood seems VERY VERY small. However, the tooling for the 27 GI figures must still exist and is probably paid for. The Conte GI supply has been drying up but they are still quite popular among collectors and convertors. One would think that another run of them might be profitable (even if it's just the sets with the MG team).

Gary B. in Nebraska

Gary have you gone directly to the source to get an answer to your question?
During Conte's sale last year, I asked about their GIs.
They informed me that the GIs were not for sale.
The amount in their inventory was not mentioned.
At the West Coaster, I was able to trade conversions
for fresh GIs
Gary, are there certain poses that you want ?
I was curious about the supply/demand situation on them. So far my personal stock is OK. I have a couple complete sets plus a bunch of "carcasses" from conversions. It appears that the most popular poses are the .30 caliber LMG team, one can't often find them.

That MG team is also a personal favorite. When I was growing up I would see MG teams in the movies, but no toy soldier company made a US machine gun team that was worth a darn. The Marx guy is sitting and has an M60. Most others were worthless. The Conte set is not only well-posed but has the right gun and gear for a light machine gun team in Italy or the ETO.

Gary B.

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