Conte you wish you'd got (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
May 2, 2008
This has been a very quiet part of the forum but reading the BOSS thread prompted me to think back to the Conte sets I wish I'd got! I couldn't afford metal then but if I had my time again (and money from somewhere) I'd have got -

The Viking ship
The Spartacus line
Fortunately have the Viking Ship. Recently found the missing Hornblower. So at last is complete and can set sail.

Always wanted the Roman Galley. Found it a while back in Canada. Unbelievably to big a box to ship through normal channels. All other methods were prohibitively expensive. So much so would have been cheaper to fly out and bring it back myself!

Almost have the entire Woodland series now. Think I've 2 sets still to go.
I was also keen enough with the Barbarian range that I placed an order. But Conte was having one of those times where organisation was a problem and I never heard from them.
Good thread. I really wish I had picked up the Roman War Galley as well. I thought he planned a second run but we all know how that goes with Conte. I also wanted the metal Spartans sets but they are just way to pricey to pick up on ebay.
The French Foreign Legion fort with all the soldiers. How cool would the fort be with all the TGM figures.
ACW sets still my favourite of any Brand {along with WBritains}.....Playing catch up as I should have grabbed them years ago.
But sadly some sets are way to Pricey now or just to hard to find..other stuff that Conte did was very cool did like Tavington vs Martin Dual,
Also liked the Spartacus sets!
ACW sets still my favourite of any Brand

This series was my original introduction when I saw a few figures at a show. Wanted to know more about Conte. Ended up ringing the offices in Las Vegas and the rest is now history.

Rolling Thunder is still one my favourite dioramic pieces ever made.
Here's a strange one for you, I had most all the Conte WWII metal series, got into K&C and sold them to a close friend, he now has put it in his will when he dies I will recieve all of the Conte sets back!! I hope he lives a long life as I like his friendship more then toy soldiers:)...Sammy
I agree, the Sahara Fort would be a great re-release, with TG Legionaires would be the must! ...and Church building too.
Have always loved the ACW battle of the crater series...... Great hand to hand gritty action
and sculpting a step beyond most of the rest of the ACW pieces.

Also playing catch up now. Have 3 of the 5 pieces.

A follow up range...... extending into a trench line........that would be a bit special.

Always thought that the sons of the south series was same quality but put off by the size issue.
Personally, I kind of wish that I had picked up the BOSS set with the radio man (I think that was set 4?).

I also wish I had bought a LOT more full sets of plastic GIs based on current eBay demand for them, or at least I wish I had bought more .30 cal. MG teams (my personal favorite poses).

Gary B.
I have all the Conte plastic playsets! Na, Na, Na, Na!
What could have been if this plastic line of playsets would have continued.
I have all the Conte plastic playsets! Na, Na, Na, Na!
What could have been if this plastic line of playsets would have continued.

Are they all out on display though?

To me collecting is the enjoyment of looking at the pieces. If I can't I sell it. As the next generation (in the main) has no attachment to the ownership of toy soldiers. Simply more interested in what they are worth!
Are they all out on display though?

To me collecting is the enjoyment of looking at the pieces. If I can't I sell it. As the next generation (in the main) has no attachment to the ownership of toy soldiers. Simply more interested in what they are worth!

All out on display, are you kidding I would have to have a house the size of a football stadium!;) The Alamo alone take up the entire 8' X 8' display board I have.
Those playsets especially the earlier ones, Zulu, Warlord, DDay in my mind were the best toy soldiers ever produced when everything is factored in, price, buildings, figures.
Couldn't agree more, those playsets are the best ever made, all of Ron's sets are very nice as well too.

Loved the terrain feature that came with the Stamford Bridge playset, that one is my all time favorite, have come into three of them and sold them all lightning fast, would love to have one now for the First Legion Romans and Gauls/Germanics............
All out on display, are you kidding I would have to have a house the size of a football stadium!;) The Alamo alone take up the entire 8' X 8' display board I have.
Those playsets especially the earlier ones, Zulu, Warlord, DDay in my mind were the best toy soldiers ever produced when everything is factored in, price, buildings, figures.

Precisely my point. ^&grin

I'm glad that most of the Conte ranges aren't too large. As the space I'm allocated is limited .............
I HAD all the playsets. Repainted most of the terrain items. Like a complete idiot, I sold the Painted desert fort, 60 Legion { 1/2 were AIP} 120 Arabs and 36 cavalry, all painted. Gorgeous. Sold it like an IDIOT.
The ww2 sets get the most use. I have all 7{?} Alamo buildings and walls painted and never used them for anything. Like wise the Warlord tower. Neat, but never used it for a game or display.
Someday. I did miss the metal ZULU 2 sets diorama with barricades and multiple figures.Sold out long before I started collecting ZULU.
The only playset that fell short was the 2 Scotland the Brave sets. The buildings were excellent but the figures were horrible. That was Contes first venture with resin.
I still have the buildings but sold off the figures a long time ago. It wasn,t the poses it was the material (resin) that he used. Conte did get better with resin as some of his later sets had some resin figures which were actually well done.
Since we are talking Conte I have got to give mention to Gary Dutko. He could do a conversion of an early plastic Conte figure that were almost flawless. He had a way of fusing the plastic together were there were no seams.
If Gary B. is reading this you still are the best overall!

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